I can't believe that no one has replied to this yet:
You can't bring the DRM argument as Sony was planning to implement it too, but Microsoft reversed its decision based on consumer feedback so Sony changed its decision too. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/DRM-Xbox-One-PlayStation-4-Shuhei-Yoshida-Hiroshi-Kawano,23292.html
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Like one of the posters there that have mentioned:
The article you linked to said nothing of the sort; it said that Sony saw how people were reacting and capitalized on that with their marketing decisions, as in to make a point of the fact that they don't have this DRM on PS4.
NOTHING to do with changing the system itself.
Go look at this here:
Also, look at posters like Loghorn & EX+ for links of more proof. Sony has never intended to have DRM on PS4 at all, ever.
Anyway, OP, I wouldn't let these posters here get to you. I definitely agree with every word that you said, & it's a shame that most posters here have turned a blind eye to it.
Nice impartial source. "sarcasm". Dualshockers, a biased PS fanboy website.
Here are impartial sources for proof. You are the one that is wrong. How is letting the publishers decide whether the game has DRM make Sony less guilty? Remember, it isn't the companies that want the DRM policies in place. It is the developers and publishers. Quit being a biased fanboy and open your eyes. I am going to buy the PS4 and Xbox One. But I choose not to be blind to the issues each consoles face.
"There's gonna be free-to-play, there's gonna be every potential business model on there, and again, that's up to their relationship with the consumer, what do they think is going to put them in the best fit. We're not going to dictate that, we're gonna give them a platform to publish on. The DRM decision is going to have to be answered by the third parties, it's not something we're going to control, or dictate, or mandate, or implement."
Quote from article:
But after the outrage and negative feedback from gamers regarding the Xbox One, Sony quietly reversed its policies, finally revealing at E3 that the PS4 will not feature used game DRM. This is according to none other than SCE Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who admitted the policy change in a recent interview with Japanese publication Famitsu.
Patent to block second hand used-games.
Another interview.
I could go on and on with the sources, unlike you, with the biased website dualshockers.
You are a truly funny blind fanboy, blindly following a company, trying to avoid all the issues like they are non-existent just to make yourself feel better. Coming up with any reason to defend "precious" Sony.
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