I'm not really an MMO type but I stuck with TOR longer then I stuck with any others (WOW, RIFT). Fun storytelling and some of the classes were fun to play, sith marauder I really liked.
Co-op dead space sounds awesome, and people are gonna flip out over the BF3 premium but to me it sounds like going back to expansion packs ($50 for a ton of content) rather then the DLC silliness we've had ot put up with in recent years, so I approve.
Medal of honor is whatever (just more shooter, woo), simcity looks great but nothing new.
@topsemag55 I don't remember any meaningful changes in ME1 or ME2's ending, sorry.
In fact nothing at all changes except for- wait for it- a few seconds worth of cutscene. Either you see the collector base explode or you don't, and either you see the destiny ascension explode or you don't.
I'm not sure why ME3 was singled out in the franchise for this flaw, which they all suffered from.
Sorry, you're wrong. In fact, the gap in your logic is pretty clear:
"That these changes are being made at all is an admission that the original works and the decisions made therein are not inherently valuable."
Yes. Bad design choices are not, inherently, valuable. We don't say a bad game is good because its a game: its a bad game, period. And games can be made better.
Mass Effect 3's ending was unfinished. It was a fine ending story-wise in my opinion, although many can disagree, but it was unfinished. There are parts plain old missing and stuff doesn't make sense because of it (Like the crew being on the Normandy, and it being in FTL, for example...). Adding content into this ending is a massive and positive course of action.
And the Doom 3 light thing wasn't a good design choice. The flashlight was worthless and the only thing the system did was hide the pretty game from the player. There are a million better ways to limit the players flashlight then making it useless- given the way enemies jump out (despite how predictable it becomes) having to switch back and forth to it was never worth it, and in the end because of it the game just became too dark and you missed a lot of the feel. It was a bad design, it was a flaw, and fixing it adds value, not detracts.
Go back to the gameplay of the original Doom. Give us more open-ended, "explorable" levels rather then linearity. Give us a fast pace, give us some big guns... Don't worry too much about story or cutscenes, don't worry about horror, and don't worry too much about immersion.
The kind of shooters you are making, they're a dime a dozen, and frankly- everyone else is doing it better then you anyway. Do something special, bring back what made FPS so special in the first place. You practically invented the god damn thing after all...
Cobra5's comments