Yup, Reilly has officially made two blogs back to back! It is the sign of the Apocolypes!
Anyways, today was a good day. I went out to use my graduation money ($520) and so I stopped by Best Buy. I was looking for a game for my DS or 360 and didn't find anything. Instead I found Anime... stuff. Yup, I decided to buy Hellsing Complete Series Box Set and Wolf's Rain Box Set 1. YAY! I had a hard time not buying Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex's Box Set. It was a hundred bucks but it would SO be worth the money. I held back though.
I also saw Eureka Seven and I thought it was the full series box set and I almost crapped myself. Then I found out that it was actually one DVD, a t-shirt and the first manga. I was mad. The shirt and Manga is cool and all but I would hate to buy the DVD and then see the box set later and then get mad that I got two of the first DVD's.
Also, can anyone recommend me a good light hearted anime? I like a funny/cute one every now and then. Also one that is a bit more adult. No, not hentai but a anime that earned itself a 17+ rating. May include Lots of violence/gore and nusity and crap. Ya, I know, haha, laugh at Reilly but I'm being honest atleast.
Thanks guys and gals!
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