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My Vore Adventures

I will be embarking on a journey that may leave me dazed, sickened and quite possible comatouse.  This journey will have me moving from one site to another looking at pictures, reading stories and interacting with people that have a Vore fetish.

Vore: The shortening of the word 'voraphilia' which means basically 'the love of being swallowed'.  A vore is technically a person who enjoys being eaten or the act of eating someone else.  Vore is purely fantasy considering it is impossible to do in reality.  At times vore is sexual in nature and includes bloody tearing of flesh.  Most people who are vores see it as a fetish and have been fantasizing about it since they were very young.  It also may just be the liking of being swallowed whole.

Disturbing?  No, not really.  Weird?  A matter of opinion. Something to out of the ordinary to ignore?  Most definitely!

I'm not setting an amount of time I will be start from and then ending.  This is just another fun and mind warping thing that makes me wierd enough to try.  To anyone out there that may read this and is in fact a voraphile, I won't be judging you or making fun of you.  This is out of fun and sheer weirdness.

Internet *snore*

Why is the internet so boring?  Really.  I have nothing to do which is why I am writing this blog.... about boredom.  I feel like there is more to do.  Sure there is porn but thats, like, what 70% of the web as is?  I don't really want to play any games, don't want to sleep, nothing really on TV, outside it's dark so not much can be done there,  I could read a manga but I don't have much to read.  Read them all.  Cooking.... I suck at cooking.  Porn..... no.  Cat is pissy so a big no on that.  Man, I got so bored I messed with my hair.  Ya, I messed around with my hair and did stuff with it.  IT'S ALL COMBED TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY HEAD.  Odd part is that it looks awesome!  You know who's fault all of this is?  Ya, the internet!..... and communists.  Hm, When your bored you learn a lot about ones self.  I learned some very disturbing and epic things.  A few I shouldn't say but I will say that it involves me finding two new fetishes.  One is that I think I'm sick.  Two is that I think I need to see a psychiatrist and last is I need to draw more often.  I love drawing my comics.  OOooooo, poopings nice.  I really want a 360 to play Dead Rising.  I want to maul something.  Zombies fit right in there.  Would having sex with a zombie be necrophilia?  Technicaly they are dead but still they are animate.  If you were a necrophiliac, having a Zombie girl would mean your parents would stop yelling at you for loving dead people because they can't prove how she is or isn't alive.  That would shut them up.  I wonder if you could make two zombies have sex?  Zombie sex.  According to the Zombie Survival Guide guide they don't, which makes perfect sense.  But what if you forced them too.  Like tell them it's ok and that is a special way to hug.  Like the way mommy and daddy do it.  It would be like those creepy dads that get their kids to do wierd things in front of a camera.  Would you get sent to jail for video taping two zombies having sex by force?  I bet no one would f*ck with you in jail knowing you did that.  Bet all those Guro fans out there would love a video like that.  Start a Zombie love site.  Could make millions off that.  That could lead to like a zombie online dating service.  It would be the eHarmony from Hell.  Make a commercial with zombit couples telling their stories of how they met their loves of thier.... deaths? on  Of course the commerials would be on real late because their disturbing-ness.  I could make Zombie shirts too.  Like a shirt that says, "Shut up or I'll eat you."  Or "I'm with human." and have a arrow pointing to the left.  Even zombie plushes.  ""You'll love them so much your head will spontaneously explode!"  Man, I need sleep.  And my meds.  This has gone way out of hand.  Zombie sex would be kind of hot though.

Violence and Children

Ok, so I was in the "Bully" (It's a new game coming out by Rockstar) Forum and there was a small debate about it being cancelled for the violence.  Now, I felt it was time to speak out about this stupid debate on violent videogames causing children re-enact what they see.  Read up.

"Ok, videogame violence doesn't effect those of us that use our brain.  You know, smart people.  The ones that get violent from it are usually morons.  They blame it on the game as a scape goat.  Smart people realise that hurting someone or something has a consiquence.  Then again there are those that have no remorse or consience, but those are born killers from the beginning, they would eventually hurt someone or something anyways.  Taking games away is others thinking that gamers are mindless idiots that get violent because the game they play is.  Any game with violence should then be considered a threat.  Violent is violence.  If you hit someone or something it is violence regardless if it starts bleeding or gets sliced in half.  You don't see people making a big deal about Mario jumping on living things and crushing their bodies.  Why?  No blood or gore.  So, if we were to add in blood splatter and bone crushing noises, would it get attention then?  Maybe.  In the end, I never felt like jumping on anyones head.

Postal 1 and mostly Postal 2 are considered two of the top most sick and contriversial games.  You can go on rampages that make GTA's violence look like a Barney marathon.  You can set people on fire, pee the fire out and watch them crawl around crying for help then tazer them till they lay in a pool of thier own urine and walk away.  You can slaughter animals.  Those are some of the very few things you can do in the game but you know what, I apploud Running With Scissors (The developers).  They said screw standereds and made the games anyways.  I don't want to do anything that I see in the game even though I could.  Why?  I understand what could happen and so I do it in a game.  People need to see that gamers can tell what is reality and what is fake.  Those brainless gamers that blame games for violence and the parents that allow their under age son or daughter to get the game are the reason most of us need to fight for games that don't follow the rules.  *Sigh* sadly though, we are stuck with such people forever."

Please tell me others actually know this is right.

Once in a life time....

Once in everyones life they come across someone that says something so amazing, so incredibly stupid that it almost cripples you.  I was amazed that that moment for me was tonight.  I found a game dubbed, "Postal 2" that I became quite interested in.  I was looking at it's expantion and then went to it's forum.  It had two in there.  I clicked on one and I got this....

"Is some one of you folks here on thees board the opinion that the game sucks and stinks so much that they can't stand the small anymore, and neat to get red of it fast. Okay then I'll help you whit that and Im ready to pay for the dung to. 

Or do some one know where I can bye the crap. I'm not talking about Postal 2. I already have that crap. BUT I badly neat the rest of the weird stuff. But FAST!!!!!! if it's possible.

As you see I love crap NO I do neat it, and thees game is the best of the worst. and I Really neat it as you see. Yes it's real bad And I don't know how long i'm going to last whit out." 

Even now I am still amazed.  Look at it.  Bask in it's glory.  Want to know the best part?  NO ONE TOUCHED IT!  This gold mine was all mine.  I made sure to take my time to make my response.  This is it...

"Wow. Just.  Wow.  I have never, EVER, seen someone type this bad.  Honest.  Every sentance, complete or not, is like an abomination.  Half of the time I was trying to understand what you were saying.  I had to reread it over and over.  You REALLY need to get back in school.  I mean it.  Did you like drop out of third grade?  I mean, I looked at your page and read your one blog just to confirm that thought and you were blaming capitalist dictators for making gamers dislike each other for our choice in gaming platforms.  You tryed SO HARD to sound smart but you fell short man.  Your not to politics just yet.  Right now you need to learn that 'neat' is not the same thing as 'need'.   I'm going to quote you, "As you see I love crap NO I do neat it."  Hm.  This is better,"As you see I love crap NO I do need it."  See, you would look more intellegent already.  Another thing is when you started you said, "Is some one of you folks here..."  Now, you sound very nice to ask like that but let's try something new.  Let's make it.....good.  "Could one of you folks here..."  There you go.

Now, let's talk about your.... crap addiction.  So you are telling people the game sucks and if they hate it to sell it to you?  Then you continue with asking where you can "bye" crap.  Next you say you don't want the game because you already have it then you start ceeping me out by saying you need it as fast as possible.  Lastly, you start scarying me by sounding like a crack addict who hasn't had his fix in days.  I know you are talking about games but you may want to make that more clear to others.  Next time someone may not understand and crap right in your hands because they are so nervious and you so obviously want it.  Get 'Big Rigs' for the PC.  That may hold your crap fetish at bay.

I think I've covered everything here.  But to make sure, did I use any big words that confused you?"

Now that I look back at it.  I could have done more.  It actually feels mild to me.  But then again, I feel good in the end.  Thank you FranKrig.  Everyone, go thanks FranKrig for being so uneducated.

Also, I think he was trying to make his name "FragKing" but.... well, retarded apes type better then him so let's give him a break on this one.

Uwe Boll: What gives?

Ok, I've done a little researching on him and established one thing.  Uwe Boll has NO and I mean the absolutely NO imagination.  I bet you were thinking I was going to say he has no talent or that his movies suck but I threw you a curve ball.  I am going to give you two reasons to how I came to this conclusion.

The first is the fact that most of his movies are based on games.  Now, what makes, or should make, basing a movie off a game easy?  Well, pretty much everything.  You don't need to come up with characters, story lines should be easy to come up with when you already know the story for the game and as much as you know about the characters, you got the enemies, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING!  Why should it be difficult to make then?  Easy, Boll scraps the characters story and past and keeps their name.  He warps the world and makes it the way he thinks it should be.

Next, What I've noticed is that he keeps saying he wants things from classic movies and compares them to classic movies.  What he does is he sees something he likes and steals it.  He puts in unnecessary things that have no place but made other movies good.  He doesn't come up with new things that would look cool or experiment, he thinks that what made another movie good should be crammed in his movie and it would get better.  Large shoot outs with a bit of a Matrix bullet time does not look good in a suspense/horror.  He has no idea on how to direct nor write.  He has no idea what original means.

Those are my thoughts on Boll.  Now, game companies, please stop encouraging him by giving him your game rights to make it into a movie.

Oh, and rest easy, Boll won't get his hands on the Metal Gear series rights.In Game Informer (Issue 159, July) in the column 'The Good, The Bad, The Ugly' Hideo Kojima stated that there is no way Uwe Boll is getting a hold of Metal Gear (Mr. Kojima said it more polite though).  Sleep tight gamers.

I'm in Florida

Well......I'm here.  And it's pretty humid.  So far I've gotten use to it because I've been here for a month (unpacking was annoying and the internet people were being **** and so far so good.  Got my first game here in Florida.  Steambot Chronicles.  Although it is suppose to be crappy, I find it quite fun.  Also I am replaying Fable: The Lost Chapters for the third time.  I'm being the good guy this time.  And I am blissfully gay (In the game, thank you).  Alas, no all is well here.  My friend Steph (EX/friend) is actually not that great.  I can talk about this because she doesn't like games so she will NEVER find this.  So, our long distance friendship was great but now that we live near each other, I actaully really want to break it off.  I just can't be near here.  I feel sick when I think of her so I'm unloading on this blog.  Sorry you had to read that.  Anyways, I pretty much live in nothing world.  Down were I'm living it is pretty much just being built.  So everything has a gap inbetween each other.  Kind of lame.  Not much else to report.  Keep on gaming b****s! 


Well, I'm in the middle of a move and am sad.  Why?  well, as anyone could guess, you leave every thing but your memories and personal belongings behind.  In the past year I actually grew closer to my friends then I have in the time I had ever known them.  I learned so much about them that it felt like I never knew them in the history I have known them.  I will be going back to CA in a year for friends and a wedding so I am not crying yet but in that time I will be desperetly trying to stay in contact with them all I can.  I will be missing you all very much and am praying for you all.

Moving is nothing new to me though.  I have moved several times (4 times) and am a little used to it but still will miss CA.  But some pluses are that I am moving into a neighborhood that was JUST built.  My house is new.  Sweet.  My Ex./best friend (yup, she is one of my best friends AND my Ex.) lives there (quite sexy too).  Weather there is suppose to be great unless there is a hurrican (living in Orlando).  And new people. b Not everything is bad in the end.

Another new thing is I got a PSP for the trip!  YAY!  Why not a DS Lite?  Simple.  Music, Movies and games in one is supperior to just games.  Plus I got "Metal Gear Awesome" on my Memory Card.  Can watch that a thousand times and it still won't get old.  Go to Newgrounds to find this video.  Also I got many classic games.  Daxter, Exit, Lumines, Burnout and GTA.  All great games.  I will be royally entertained and will put up a new entry when I get to Florida.

My Silent Hill post

Ok, I posted this on the Forum for the up and coming Silent Hill game for the PSP.  Someone made a stupid topic and it lead to someone saying that they should make a Irish guy be the main character.  As you chould guess from my other blogs, I don't tend to keep my mouth shut when I get a thought.  Here is what popped into my head, and read it through before saying anything mean, I made fun of myself too.

"Last thing we need is a drunk telling bad jokes, pissing the corner in the game, trying to pick a fight with a coat rack while the monster is behind him the whole time, vomiting on the sexy side character and hitting on a nurse as she shoots out his knee caps, the list goes on UBCS2.  A irish character would ruin the experience.  Heh, his main weapon wouldn't be a gun, it would be potatos.  Anyone that is Irish should get that joke and be pissed.  I got nothing against the Irish.  In fact, my best friend is Irish.  I make fun of him for it.  I mean I'm German.  If a german guy was in the game he would gas the monsters and start a new world order by killing off all the Scraper to make the perfect Nurse race.  Hehehe, I'm terrible."


Ok people, now for another sesson of me talking out. Graffiti. Art or vandalism? For some time I have seen Graffiti and had multiple thoughts. What is it? How did they do that? How did they manage to make those corners sharp with a spray? How the hell did they get up there? Wht the hell is the word they are spelling? And more. I guess it led me to Jet Set games and Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Content Under Pressure. All three are incredible games. As I played them I realized that I got a rush. The mostly from Getting Up because it is more realistic compared to JSR. In it I saw the death defying feats that Trane does just to get his name up and how much effort is put into it. In that I began to appreciate it and except Graffiti as what it is, Art. I can see why Getting up could lead to such a rush and make you become a addict and want to get better. Ever since I first played a JS game and read about Getting Up (the game) I felt Excited to try it out. Ever since I have been practicing in my own black book and came up with a name for myself. I hope to try it out some day. Meet some Legends and become one.
Look at what we consider art these days. A portrait with different colored dots..... OOoooooh. Dots. I could ******* do that in with my *** cheeks.  Graffiti has just as much power and emotion in it as that crap.  If people are risking their neck and arrest then they must have just as much power put into it.
If I can I will put more into this tomorrow.  It's 4:40 AM and I'm tired.  So very tired.

Up yours America!

Today I am talking about Americans and our smart as **** goverment. Now back to pointing out how our forfathers **** themselves over by creating a magical place called America.
I love being free here and our freedom of speech (thank God) but we are **** egotistic, ass kissing, greedy, power *** holes. You can't deny it.
My first example. Our history. First off. Culombus didn't find America but vikings did. Some believe the Chinese may have been here even longer before that. Next, Racism. Blacks. We bring them here and treat them as **** and as though they are not even human. He were so much better then them that once Abe began thinking of setting them free those Confederite flag hugging Southerners started pissing themselves because it ment they needed to get off there huge fat asses and work! Once black people were allow to be free they were still limited to were they could barely pay for food and weren't able to vote. Freedom didn't mean they were free from *** holes though. We continued to be *** holes to them for no reason. Just because they had dark skin it ment that they were lower life formes. Bull ****. If anything they are more human and better than us. They endured so much more than us. They were the betters. Oh, and the greed we have is to much to **** bare.
The president. Sure he has screwed up but who hasn't? Way I see it was that he was the lesser of two evils. I think his biggest screw up is with leaving the soldiers in Iraq and in the Middle east. What are we doing there? Ok, in the begining we helped but now what are we doing? We are forcing democracy on them. All though it has been proven to be the most effective form of power but we are FORCING it. This could totally **** them over. It just a few years we have thown out on goverment and tossed in another. Someone has to agree with me that that is **** stupid. This could cause so much damage.
The Military, Army, Navy and whatever else there is. It is true what they say. You get to go places, see new things and meet new people......then kill them. In the commersals make it look all glories and honorible. It's ****ing bull ****. You are trained and trained all while being feed this idea that you are getting ready to kill for a good cause. You need to be ****ing blind not to see they are just throwing you out there as pawns to protect the King. The pawns are the weakest then the King is the next weakest. The pawns move forward as mindless zombies that are willing to sacrifice themselfs to the stronger may progress. And the entire time the king is running for it's life as other pieces take the bullets for it. Are you able to guess what the king is? Our goverment. As pawns die the stronger in command get more powerful and are thought as heros and bull but the goverment runs from the real problem until it hits another one. Soon it will corner itself. GO ARMY!
Well I feel some what better and hope you people that read this might stop ****ing and complaining. If you got a issue with what I said then say it. My comments are there for a reason.