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#1 Cow4ever
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[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="ohgodohman"]Well, they didn't teleport, Einstein.ohgodohman
No they moved there. Noone transferred them as far as I know. If you move to another town you don't say you transferred there or was deported there. Transfer=/=move, transfer=being moved

Oh, so you think that that a bunch of Israeli civilians just took the initiative and decided to trundle onto occupied Palestinian territory with some bricks and mortar, do you, you daft

Well yeah that happens alot. But really Israel builds a town and people move there like in every country. It doesn't make it a transfer or a deportation.

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#2 Cow4ever
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Not close. Obviously it's pretty close considering a group of people agree and debate such. I've got UC2, which I can prove. And Gears of war 3 looks miles superior and is more consistant. I'll wait to play UC3 though to decide, though you've still yet to awnswer where those pictures are from?


Eh no. people debated about Crysis 2 (which I do have) and it's a really REALLY ugly game. Yes IMO also Gears looks at least 10X than that mess. The pictures are from U2 MP And that video I really think both looked equally bad. But TBH I can't really see jaggies on utube very easily. Crysis 2 looked good on utube but playing it you see all the horrible jaggies.

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#3 Cow4ever
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It's as much of a democracy as the UK is. And they have diplomatic relations with Israel, including mutual embassies in ether country, open travel between the two, and a free trade zone between them. If that's not an ally I don't know what is.


by that account, Syria is a democracy since President Assad was elected , just like the president of the US. of course this would be stupid , since in Syria, the only choice was Assad, and it was a simple , yes/no answer, and I can assure you nobody voted no. and those do not signifiy alliance, thats simple terms of the peace treaty. however, out of all the Arab countries, Joran is the one closest to Israel, there is no doubt about that, there is some military cooperation , and the Hashemites have relied on Israel before, even before the peace treaty.

I can't comment on Syria's government. Admittedly I know little about it. But we consider the United Kingdom a democracy, yet the Monarch retains the power to refuse to sign bills passed by Parilement into law. The Monarch has the power to dismiss and appoint the Prime Minster, to dismiss members of Parliment, to dissolve the Parliment itself. The Monarch commands the armed forces, has the power to declare war, the power to make treaties with other nations, to issue and revoke passports, and the power to create corporations.

Certainly doesn't sound like a democracy to me.
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#4 Cow4ever
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If Israel has a legal claim to the land then why hasn't one International court affirmed this? You can't show me one legal body of international standing that has ruled that these territories are a part of Israel. The law couldn't be more clearer on this matter. Per UN resolution 2625, "No territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or the use of force shall be recognized as legal." Yes, Israel was attacked, but that doesn't justify anything as far the law is concerned. It is illegal to acquire territory through force.

As for the Jerusalem Embassy Act - it was passed in 1995. The US embassy was suppose to be moved to Jerusalem no later than 1999, per the act. It's now 2011. No president has actually implemented the law. The US embassy remains in Tel Aviv.

And to allow for the annexation for almost all of the settlements in East Jerusalem for absolutely nothing in return is a huge concenssion.


International courts?? Didn't I just say this? They are clearly biased. Let's talk about something that isn't, international law itself. Show me where Israel breakes international law. YOU not some racist guy in some racist organization. And in addition do you really care about international law? I mean it good it exists but in a discussion like this I am more interested in your view not someone else's. Nevertheless I haven't seen any of these supposed laws. I see your UN resolution. Well first of all the UN is a big piece of **** But one thing is that the UNGA resolutions aren't legally binding according to the UN itself. I want more like geneva conventions, hague conventions. The actual LAW. Not interpretations by racist corrupt united dictatorships. Right but US nevertheless recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital. As does South Sudan and a bunch of other nations if I'm not mistaken. Israel's embassy to Georgia is in Yerevan. Does that mean Israel recognize Yerevan as Georgia's capital? Nothing in return? How about almost all of the West Bank and Gaza?? Anyway I'm sure Israel would accept these offers. At least Israel's previous government. How do we know this is true? It's from Al Jazeera afterall.

It's true because these were leaked documents straight from the negotiations, commonly referred to as the Palestine Papers. Al Jazeera merely published the documents.

And before a discussion can be had terms have to be defined. International law is what defines these terms. And if UN resolutions aren't enough for you, section 3, article 42 of the Hague convention states "Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army." No distinction is made between land acuired in a war of aggression or in a defensive war. If a country acquires land through force, that land is occupied territory.

Even Israel considers the land occupied, at least privately. They even gave an order immediately after the war that the Geneva conventions apply (this was shortly rescinded).Theodor Meron, who was legal counsel for the Israeli government at the time, issued a memo to the Prime Minister stating that that the building of settlements on the territory in question is in clear violation of the fourth geneva convention.

Ok ok now finally we have some international law, I have some points though: 1. It doesn't say an occupation necessarily is illegal. 2. Technically if for example Syria attacked Israel and took back the Golan then Syria would be occupying the Golan no? Cause if a country acquires land through force, that land is occupied territory right? 3. I'm not sure it's legally binding. 4. Regardless of this law, you think that any country can attack another country and then should be given territory back? That'd mean that there are no real consequences to wars of aggression.

5. This is what Europe looked like after the hague convention


Although unrelated to Israel, doesn't this mean we have to make some changes to Europe?

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#5 Cow4ever
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It's certainly not the ruthless dictatorship than many want to paint iit as. At any rate they have a Parliment and a Prime Minister. And also, Jordan is an ally of Israel, though I suspect the TC is ignorant of this fact.


Well I didn't say they where ruthless but it's certainly a dictatorship. Countries like Iran and North Korea also have Parliament and Prime Minister. Not really an ally, just not openly hostile.

It's as much of a democracy as the UK is. And they have diplomatic relations with Israel, including mutual embassies in ether country, open travel between the two, and a free trade zone between them. If that's not an ally I don't know what is.

Didn't you read what we wrote above? And that's not really an alliance. It's diplomatic relations at best. Or else almost the whole world is in alliance.
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#7 Cow4ever
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3 things

  1. Not every game needs to sell millions to make a profit.
  2. Demons Souls and most likely Dark Souls need to be difficult as this adds to the atmosphere, and to please the fans of their older games like King's Field.
  3. Demons Souls wasnt even hard at all if you spent some points on Vitality and knew how to avoid attacks. I cant comment for Dark Souls yet however, but I have a feeling it wont be much "harder". Demons Souls was one of the easiest games I have played this gen.


3. stop saying that, I think you're lying or played über defensive and careful

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#8 Cow4ever
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[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="ohgodohman"]'The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.' - paragraph 6, article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Conventionohgodohman
When did it transfer or deport its own population??

What, that's what it's come to? You're just denying the existence of the settlements now?

No but I am denying the existence of any transfer or deportation.
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#9 Cow4ever
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The fact that the King is moving them towards a UK-style government. The fact that the King has aggressively persued policies to liberalize the country's media, economy, and government.


Going that way doesn't mean it is a democracy as of now.

It's certainly not the ruthless dictatorship than many want to paint iit as. At any rate they have a Parliment and a Prime Minister. And also, Jordan is an ally of Israel, though I suspect the TC is ignorant of this fact.

Well I didn't say they where ruthless but it's certainly a dictatorship. Countries like Iran and North Korea also have Parliament and Prime Minister. Not really an ally, just not openly hostile.
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#10 Cow4ever
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Sorry buddy GeoW3 has 0 AA...

Digital Foundry vs. Gears of War 3

there is no noticeable anti-aliasing. ...the final game throws out a lot more range and there are plenty of "jaggies" in evidence, especially in the more colourful stages.

This is something of a surprise: NVIDIA's FXAA technology has made its way into several shipping games now and there's even support in recent builds of Unreal Engine 3, so the non-appearance of any form of anti-aliasing in Gears 3 - even one as light on resources as FXAA - is curious. It may simply be the case that performance is finely balanced as it is and Epic couldn't factor in the required 1ms of GPU time.


Worthy to note is that MLAA requires 3.5ms

another whorthy note is that lemmings made an issue about Infamous 2 not having AA, yet I2 is an open world sandbox game and GeoW3 is just a liner corridor and on-rails shooter yet it couldn't handle AA after all the hype.

lemmings: :o Gears 3 to have superior AA to GOW3

lol, fail.

lol yeah I remember when they went on about this new AA technique that would be so much better than MLAA but I guess the 360 couldn't handle it with as much as 26 FPS!½!!