[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="worlock77"]Says the guy who though Jordan was a democracy. its never quite as simple as "they all hate us" or "they all want peace" as some people try to characterize it. Ive seen enough protests in the Arab world where the most uttered phrase was "Itbach Al Yahud" and "Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud" , essentially meaning "slaughter the Jews" and the other refering the the Battle of Khaybar" at the same time, I have no idea how much of the population in the Arab world holds this view, for all I know, it could be a minority, no different than seeing a group of neo nazis in Europe or the US shouting racist things. I agree. One thing though. Israel is full of lefty antizionists and right ultrazionists. WB and Gaza is full of ultraislamists and moderates which are basically anti-zionists. My point is in Israel there is more diversity in this aspect.Too bad the OP is wrong and simply does not know what he's talking about.
Cow4ever's forum posts
This one:
All pics from the MP
GeOW3 is confirmed to be jaggie just like all the other versions. It looks great for what it is but no, maybe graphics king if you are only talking aobut xbox360.
Confirmed eh? There's far less jags then previous games. Hence the reason Epic included FXAA in the retail build, unlike the beta.
That's your proof? A **** image where you can't see **** Both look equally bad.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
Not just support but UNQUESTIONINGLY support in which they veto ANYTHING and everything regardless of how truely just it maybe.. Israel has violated human rights laws, International laws, and has committ war crimes..
Nope as proven by 224 resolution.
Wrong, those countries do not support the Palestinians.. What they are agaisnt is the war crimes done by ISrael..
No the definitely support the Palestinians.
COULD IT BE BECAUSE THEY HAVE committed war crimes, violated International law and human rights acts? You seriously think that Israel is completely innocent in this regard? There is obviously NO point in discussing with this any further.. The US should never unquestioningly support Israel PERIOD.. Does that mean there should be ridiculous sancitons leveled against them for ridiculous reasons? OF COURSE NOT, but yet again there are numerous events where Israel has violated numerous things, and really should be treated no different from other violators like North Korea or Iran.
So the US doesn't unquestionably support Israel. Nice change of subject cause you exposed your ignorance. And now when you went off topic and showed how wrong you was what international laws does Israel breake? what war crimes? North Korea?? Seriously this country has concentration camps, makes human experiments, punishes descendendats of "Criminals", starves its own people, is a brutal dictatorship obviously. Iran yeah you know how they treat women and surpresses freedom?
Reading comprehension I said the US needs to stop unquesitingly supporting them.. Furthermore war crimes check out the Lebenon Civil War for instance.. Or just recent things in general like http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/23/israel-gaza-war-crimes-guardian.. International law.. Lets go see their occupation of the West Bank is actually ILLEGALunder UN law.. http://www.thenation.com/article/israels-war-crimes I am sorry but there is a prime minister right now that if he ever wakes up from his coma will have his ass hauled in front of court for committing war crimes.. Yet again Israel still breaks the law in multiple ways, they should not be given protection by the United States.. That is my point.. That is why the rest of the security council would be ALL in favor of putting sanctions on Israel for their numerous violations in the past few decades.
And UN law?? :? UN is the bad guys. It consists of a majority of dictatorships. And has called Israel's existence racism. You think they're unbiased in this question? No I want to see international law itself not a bunch of racist organizations.[QUOTE="Sunfyre7896"]
The only shortcut possible would be to take all of the Palestinians and find them some uninhabited island big enough to live on. Other than that, there is no peace because the Palestinians, like many other Arab nations, hate the Jews and Israel and want to see them burned asunder. It's sad really, because the Jews are the only real democracy in the region, like the OP said.
Too bad the OP is wrong and simply does not know what he's talking about.
Says the guy who though Jordan was a democracy.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
Not just support but UNQUESTIONINGLY support in which they veto ANYTHING and everything regardless of how truely just it maybe.. Israel has violated human rights laws, International laws, and has committ war crimes..
Nope as proven by 224 resolution.
Wrong, those countries do not support the Palestinians.. What they are agaisnt is the war crimes done by ISrael..
No the definitely support the Palestinians.
COULD IT BE BECAUSE THEY HAVE committed war crimes, violated International law and human rights acts? You seriously think that Israel is completely innocent in this regard? There is obviously NO point in discussing with this any further.. The US should never unquestioningly support Israel PERIOD.. Does that mean there should be ridiculous sancitons leveled against them for ridiculous reasons? OF COURSE NOT, but yet again there are numerous events where Israel has violated numerous things, and really should be treated no different from other violators like North Korea or Iran.
So the US doesn't unquestionably support Israel. Nice change of subject cause you exposed your ignorance. And now when you went off topic and showed how wrong you was what international laws does Israel breake? what war crimes? North Korea?? Seriously this country has concentration camps, makes human experiments, punishes descendendats of "Criminals", starves its own people, is a brutal dictatorship obviously. Iran yeah you know how they treat women and surpresses freedom?
Reading comprehension I said the US needs to stop unquesitingly supporting them.. Furthermore war crimes check out the Lebenon Civil War for instance.. Or just recent things in general like http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/23/israel-gaza-war-crimes-guardian.. International law.. Lets go see their occupation of the West Bank is actually ILLEGALunder UN law.. http://www.thenation.com/article/israels-war-crimes I am sorry but there is a prime minister right now that if he ever wakes up from his coma will have his ass hauled in front of court for committing war crimes.. Yet again Israel still breaks the law in multiple ways, they should not be given protection by the United States.. That is my point.. That is why the rest of the security council would be ALL in favor of putting sanctions on Israel for their numerous violations in the past few decades.
English isn't my native language but I don't think unquesitingly is a word. Ehm I still don't know which law is broken, tell me what law did they brake? Not to mention these are all biased articles. One is even written by Richard Falk. Maybe next time I show you something from Meir Kahane... Right. Israel should be sanctioned because it defends itself whereas Hamas & co should be able to do whatever they want. And no I doubt UK and France would be all in favor of putting sanctions on Israel no.Nope. Not close, when have they ever wanted to "give up"(how can you give up something you don't have) almost all of East Jerusalem?? Not even close. And about Lieberman that has actually nothing to do with what I said. Except the part about he isn't willing to give up land, why do you think that?[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] The PLO was prepared to literally give away virtually all of East Jerusalem. Lieberman is far from the most willing Israeli government official to give up land. Lieberman only wants to take land by building more and more settlements. He is one of the biggest obstacles to a deal actually getting done anytime soon. He's only going to agree to peace once the Jewish settlers take all of the land that they want, so if and when the time comes to draw up the borders (and if there is a two state solution they will be based on the 1967 lines), all of these illegal settlements will miraculously become legal as a result of "mutually agreed land swaps" to reflect the reality on the ground. This is a man who is on record saying that Israel should treat the Palestinians like how the US treated the Japanese, and that Arab members of the Knesset who met with Hamas should be executed. He is a near-perfect caricature of all that is wrong with the Israeli government vis-a-vis the Palestinians.-Sun_Tzu-
Like it or not, East Jerusalem is occupied territory under international law. They have no legal claim to that land. You can't show me one legal organization of international standing that has ruled otherwise. Israel might not like it, but that is the reality. Even the US, Israel's greatest (and one of its last few) ally sees it as occupied territory, which is why the US embassy is in Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem.
As for when exactly the PLO conceded virtually all of East Jerusalem, here you go:
"Qurei:This last proposition could help in the swap process. We proposed that Israel annexes all settlements in Jerusalem except Jabal Abu Ghneim (Har Homa)."
Show me this law. Yes they have legal claim to that land, they where attacked from it YOINK! If you attack a country from a territory (which you occupied and of which you have destroyed all the synagogues, razed the Jewish quarter and expelled all the Jews) you can't be expected to get it back. The US does recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Haven't heard about the Jerusalem Embassy Act? And Israel is getting more and more allies. Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania and Malta are getting much closer to Israel now. If this really is true then it is the most generous proposal from the PLO so far. But still you are again distorting facts. East Jerusalem is majority arab town so giving up all the Jewish "settlements" isn't close to "virtually all". And Har Homa is pretty much the biggest Jewish "settlement" in Jerusalem. In any case you can't say this is a concession. It's Israeli territory, Israel can concede it, they can receive it. Not the other way around.[QUOTE="tonitorsi"]
Gears 3 looks better. And Uncharted 2 performs better.
I disagree, Gears of war 3 is a lot more consistant with its visual fedelity. Uncharted 2 simply looks astonding in its campaign due to a large amount of scripted and linear instances. Though, I wouldn't consider it a flaw if it retained such graphics in MP.
And Gears 3 isn't scripted and linear?[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
And I can assure you all these are against Israel.
Cow4ever thank you for posting the completely irrelevent and pointless graph.. You forgot to point out that there are 5 perma members of UN security council with the power to veto anything.. The US is one of them, and they have shielded them against everything. And in the end of the day the minor members you listed mean nothing, the UN has always been controlled by the big 5 ALWAYS.
Not just support but UNQUESTIONINGLY support in which they veto ANYTHING and everything regardless of how truely just it maybe.. Israel has violated human rights laws, International laws, and has committ war crimes..
Nope as proven by 224 resolution.
Wrong, those countries do not support the Palestinians.. What they are agaisnt is the war crimes done by ISrael..
No the definitely support the Palestinians.
COULD IT BE BECAUSE THEY HAVE committed war crimes, violated International law and human rights acts? You seriously think that Israel is completely innocent in this regard? There is obviously NO point in discussing with this any further.. The US should never unquestioningly support Israel PERIOD.. Does that mean there should be ridiculous sancitons leveled against them for ridiculous reasons? OF COURSE NOT, but yet again there are numerous events where Israel has violated numerous things, and really should be treated no different from other violators like North Korea or Iran.
So the US doesn't unquestionably support Israel. Nice change of subject cause you exposed your ignorance. And now when you went off topic and showed how wrong you was what international laws does Israel breake? what war crimes? North Korea?? Seriously this country has concentration camps, makes human experiments, punishes descendendats of "Criminals", starves its own people, is a brutal dictatorship obviously. Iran yeah you know how they treat women and surpresses freedom?
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