Its numerous things, there is no single solution its a start.. And the fact of the matter it BEGINS with Israel because they for decades now control all the territories, control the policies, they control the military power, the international support.. Its a completely one sided conflict, yet people some how think its the Palestinians who are preventing any kind of solution from happening?
All the territories?They control the West Bank.. Palestinians do not control squat.. In this conflict yes..
Palestinians control Gaza and parts of West Bank. Yes Israel controls the most but don't distort facts.
The Palestinians live by the Israeli policies not vice versa..
But that's just the same point as the first. If you control a territory the inhabitants of the territory will live by those policies no?
Now you have no clue what your talking about.. Israel has held a military hegemon since the 1967 war where they rolled over three countries at once, three of the most powerful.. Furthermore they have nuclear weapons..
That was 40 years ago. Egypt alone has more troops than Israel, Saudi has top notch weapons and spend alot of their budget on military. And that's only 2 countries. Imagine 30+ more of these countries. And Turkey got NATO nukes deplyed in their territory.
Yes historically yes.. The zionist side has been supported by Great Britain during Mandates upwards to late 1940s.. US has supported them unquestioningly since the 1960s.. Palestinian population was finally recognized internationally during the 1990s.. Thats right before that they weren't even RECOGNIZED.. Flash forward to now, the US.. The number 1 super power of the world supports Israel with out question and vetoes all sanctions put forward to be placed on Israel.. Sorry thats international support compared to Palestine which the closest thing they have is being used as a banner by weak Arab states for Arab nationalism.
You even know what the white papers is? And US supported them unquestionable? Why then are there at least 224 UNSC resolutions concerning Israel and most of them condemning Israel?
There is alot of ridiculous things that start int he UN, bu tthey all end at teh UN when the US enforces its veto power to protect Israel.
Same applies here.
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