Dark Souls. Skyrim is just a big hype. Dark Souls is gonna massacre Skyrim
Cow4ever's forum posts
Well it was probably for the best since Uncharted rocks. I just finnished UDF again and now gonnar play U2 in preparation for U3
Obvious Uncharted 2 win4 pages and still no comparison screens?strangeisland
Epic fail. You relied on beta graphics and use the photomode from Uncharted 2 to tweak the lighting, it doesn't even look like that when I play and I'm a Rank 41. And Uncharted 2 is still a jaggy mess.:lol: The only thing you can tweak is pretty much the intensity, color and saturation. It's like stuff you can do with your TV. And is not just for the pic it'll be implemented for the whole match so it's not like it'd take any juice from the machine whatsoever to implement this. And my point wasn't lightning, it's the very detailed textures and AA. And when I tried this just one minute ago I couldn't even see this many jaggies. And remember this is MP and very close up and still it looks this good.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
Even UDF is better than gears in some aspects.
The last pic is MP btw which is vastly inferior to the SP graphics.
na na , i disagree, i own both as well and the proof is what has been displayed on my tv. Granted i havnt finished gears 3 campaign yet..but so far u2 on both fronts[QUOTE="campzor"][QUOTE="CorbraMax"]
I disagree. I own both games. I even posted proof in the gears 3 topic.
Compare the lighting and shadows of Uncharted 2 in Shambhala to anything from Acts 1-3 of Gears 3...
Notice that shadows are more convincing. Like in God of War 3.
Don't forget there's more grass being rendered on screen. Something that's supposed to be there in Shambhala.
This is where Gears 3 look visibly better. Nevermind the bombastic use of high resolution alpha and particle effects on display. If not for that... They would both look on par with each other.
But you forget that Uncharted 2 has AA, no screen tearing and 29,99 fps. And textures look 10X better. So does water. And where does this come from that there's more grass and more "convincing" shadows? Where do you get this from?Wipeout HD. 1080p, 60 FPS. Yes? I thought you wanted to know[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="Lto_thaG"] But is still sub hd and it doesn't look better than BF3.Lto_thaG
[QUOTE="SHATT3R3D-GLASS"][QUOTE="Lto_thaG"] Like pretty much every game on consoles.Lto_thaG
Except CoD is one of few games that pull 60 FPS.
But is still sub hd and it doesn't look better than BF3. Wipeout HD. 1080p, 60 FPS.Ehm ID? It's not even a competition. ID massacres rare.
Which looks better when it comes to graphics? fightclub219Why did you even ask this?? Gears 2 looks better, heck maybe even Gears 1. This was a really ***** question
Even UDF is better than gears in some aspects.
The last pic is MP btw which is vastly inferior to the SP graphics.
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