@Cow4ever, could you at least agree that in 1947, the British should not have given Jewish people Palestinian territory without full support from Palestinians since it was their land before the British conquest (if im not mistaken)?gaming25Nope it was ottoman. And it was transferred to the British in a peace treaty. That territory was in no way Palestinian except in the way that they where living there.. just like the Jews.
Cow4ever's forum posts
[QUOTE="Cow4ever"] Nevertheless they do receive aid [QUOTE="Stesilaus"][QUOTE="Cow4ever"] Also they forget that US does give aid to the PA and EU gives billions as well. StesilausYes, they give aid to the PA when the PA dances to the US / EU tune and threaten to withdraw if when the PA attempts to represent Palestinian aspirations. The PA is little more than a puppet government, not unlike the ones in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar and, most recently, Libya.
They also forget that many Israel homes have been demolished by Palestinian terrorists. Not to mention this is by using their own numbers by just looking at the first page. And without explaining Israeli actions. Like most house demolitions is actually because these houses are used by terrorists. Cow4everTerrorists here, terrorists there. It seems as though anybody who stands in the way of Zionist expansionism automatically becomes a terrorist, even if he's just trying to defend himself against armed settlers occupying his land illegally, or even if he's just trying to prevent a bulldozer from demolishing an olive grove that represents his sole source of income. Oddly enough, using white phosphorous incendiaries in suburban neighborhoods doesn't constitute terrorism. And, oddly enough, whereas everybody can wag a finger at "Hamas terrorists", few people even know about the Zionist terrorists of the Irgun and Stern Gangs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun Nevertheless the website was wrong. And EU doesn't withdraw in any way. Yup using your house to smuggle kassam rockets then you are helping terrorists and Israel is completely justified to demolish your house. Which is btw perfectly in accordance with international law. Also no one gets his house demolished because he defends himself. Not at all. Also demolishing trees are also in accordance with international law. You do realize they constitute a strategic threat by limiting line of sight, and is a great place for snipers. This is why Israel has tree eating super Gazelle in the north at the Lebanese border. White phosphorous is permitable to use. But I agree Israel went abit too much with that. But as we all know this was caused by Hamas agression. War is chaos and even the Israeli army can make mistakes and misjudge.
Oh and "zionist expansionism"? You mean by giving away 80% of your territory?
This is pretty much what I'm talking about
[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]I know those types of websites and activists, they are not interested in peace here is a video of someone who is actually one of the organisers of the "Israel Aparthied week" thing which is mostly a farce, but one should watch the whole video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fSvyv0urTE shes basically calling for the death of the Jews, in a university discussion , its almost funny, but somewhat sad and shows who represents such organisations. yeah this video certainly won't make you feel good. But really it shows what kind of people these people are, just like that website. Does it ever once condemn Hamas or Hezbollah?"Israel is the largest recipient of US. aid in the entire world." WRONG Afghanistan and Iraq is, only counting military assistance! And Egypt isn't far behind. This is the title of their ONLY mission. Now how much more can you fail than that? Also PA security forces gets hundreds of millions of dollars from US. And the website said NONE!
I have much more trouble with Uncharted on Crushing difficulty than Demon's Souls. I liked Demon's Souls for SO many other reasons than its difficulty but all I hear is it's so difficult and you gonna dies and you gonna be so frustrated etc. Demon's Souls was the least frustrating game I ever played. There's a whole lot other to it than the difficulty. What ya think?
Portal 2 didn't get a 10 so that only shows how messed up the GS reviewers are.
There is a very big difference. It's obviously ok for the Palestinians because they're not Jews! If Jews would do it than of course the world will get upset!! The world is upset if Bibi would eat a pancake!!if you ask me, Nasser wasn't initially looking for war, I think he was basically just trying to look tough against Israel (a guaranteed crowd pleaser to boost his popularity in the Arab World) , and didn't expect the UN to actually withdraw. once they did , I think he had no choice but to folllow his threats, and it just got to his head eventually
and funny enough , here is something most won't hear, the Palestinian Ambassador to the US basically saying the state of Palestine will not have any Jews in it.
he tries to hide it by saying "only ones that fall under Israeli supervision" but its really just a smoke screen, and frankly, its not new policy, Ive heard Abu Mazen saying he wants the state of Palestine to be Jew-free as well.
of course that hateful website never mentioned such things (which are essentially racist) , but I can assure everyone the minute an Israeli ambassador said Israeli would be "free of Arabs" websites like these will have a field day.
"Israel is the largest recipient of US. aid in the entire world." WRONG Afghanistan and Iraq is, only counting military assistance! And Egypt isn't far behind. This is the title of their ONLY mission. Now how much more can you fail than that? Also PA security forces gets hundreds of millions of dollars from US. And the website said NONE!
"Assassin's" Creed Brotherhood hands down.
Not even close.
Even by a pretty flipping big margin it's the worst story in history of anything
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