Flop of wars 3 only got 91 in metacritic, compared to Little Big Planet 2 that got 92. So PS3 have a higher rated AAAE and also Resistance 3, Infamous 2 and Killzone 3 (which is awesome BTW, definitely AAAE quality) and then we still got Uncharted 3, Journey and Payback the heist.
Cow4ever's forum posts
So that's pretty much capitalism right there. In a socialist economy consumer goods aren't controlled privately.Socialism over strait capitalism any day, that said Capitalism does have it's place.
Anything that is a mandatory service(Police, Healthcare, Military, Fire, Water, Hydro, Natural Gas, Roads, ect) Ought to be provided by the government. Most of these are natural monopolies anyways, thus it makes no sense to put a corporation in charge.
Services that provide consumer goods, and other non-essential services should be controlled privately.
Or you can have universal healthcare like in my country. It's still very capitalistic with a market economy, only with higher taxes.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="DroidPhysX"] And charging $26,000 for a CT scan by a major health insurer is so great! Because thats what happened to a friend of mine. His uncle had a rare form of cancer, so the health insurance provider said EVERY treatment to the cancer is experimental. Yes, the CT scan apparently fell in that category. Ran through $200,000 in 4 months. Who needs socialism when you have the beauty of capitalism like the one above.worlock77
In other words, socialism.
Socialism doesn't have a free market. Free market is pretty much the definition of capitalism not low taxes. You've been spending to much time in the US.[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"]Israeli settlers have been constructing settlements on occupied land for decades, often with the help of the Israeli government. By definition that is a violation of international law. Time after time the UN and other international bodies address this issue they find it to be illegal. There's not only the conference to the fourth geneva convention that I linked to - there's UN resolutions, rulings by international courts, ect. gaming25
Not disputing the claim, I just want to know fully why is that illegal, is it because millions will be dispersed into a land affecting economy etc. I just want to know full reason why. What I think that law is there is that it would be pressing something on a people that were there. Is that true, if so, I guess I want to know more about such implications and more in depth to why violating it isnt morally sound.
It isn't illegal. As I've said according to the 4th Geneva convention it is only illegal to transfer your civilian population into occupied areas. Noone has been transferred and the area isn't occupied in the first place. The reason this law exists is to prevent forced movement of Israeli arabs to these areas for example.Except for lightning and character models this looks pretty meh. But that's to be expected from a multiplat. It'll for sure be 360 grfx king. Maybe Gears 3
Nah, more like Nintendo
thisCapitalism with socialist elements
sort of like....you know....Canada?
Well it totally ruined the mood for me. And:I think this is the best thing that have happened to mankind since pancakes[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
That would never be in the actual game. With that said, it makes for a cool trailer.
Also, whatever the hell that is in your sig is the stuff of nightmares.
What... is it?
It's just a guy going to the store[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]And charging $26,000 for a CT scan by a major health insurer is so great! Because thats what happened to a friend of mine. His uncle had a rare form of cancer, so the health insurance provider said EVERY treatment to the cancer is experimental. Yes, the CT scan apparently fell in that category. Ran through $200,000 in 4 months. Who needs socialism when you have the beauty of capitalism like the one above. Or you can have universal healthcare like in my country. It's still very capitalistic with a market economy, only with higher taxes.Wow 43% socialists. Not surprising consider some other common views here. But still I didn't realize people want to wait hours in line to get toilet paper.
Wow 43% socialists. Not surprising consider some other common views here. But still I didn't realize people want to wait hours in line to get toilet paper.
You clearly have no understanding of Socialism if you think it will lead to people "waiting hours to get toilet paper".
Then neither does socialists apparently
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