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#1 Cow4ever
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[QUOTE="Renevent42"][QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] And as the Arab people have demonstrated throughout this year, Arab governments don't usually represent public opinion. Polls have shown repeatedly that large majorities of both Palestinians and Israelis are willing to live amongst each other, side by side, in peace.


That doesn't change the fact that is who Israel has to negotiate with, that's who is making the policies, and that's a big reason things are the way they are now. Or is that Israel's fault too that Palestinians are represented by a groups that supposedly doesn't represent their view points?

And who do the Palestinians have to negotiate with? As the Palestine papers have shown, just recently as 2008 the PLO was willing to give up all of the illegal settlements in and around East Jerusalem, for absolutely nothing, as well as the four illegal settlements on the West bank for a small piece of Israeli farm land that was to be divided up between the West Bank and Gaza. But then Netanyahu came into power, and even this deal, which was almost a complete cave in to Israel, was unacceptable to him. Peace negotiations completely collapsed once he came into power.

Show me those palestine papers. And the only reason peace negotiations collapsed was cause there never was one really. Abbas pulled out before they had a chance to start. And it wasn't a deal And so? Wow they're willing to give up 5% of land they never had and never have any real claim on in exchange for 5% of more land?

And as we concluded the "settlements" are perfectly legal so not only are they giving up land they never had they're also giving up legally Israeli land. How generous of them!

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#2 Cow4ever
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[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] When you are illegally settling on occupied territory, you are stealing land. That is a gross violation of the fourth Geneva convention, and you cannot show me one legal organization of international standing that thinks that the fourth Geneva convention (which Israel is a party to) do not apply. There is a broad consensus among the parties that have ratified the Geneva conventions that this is the case (as my linked demonstrated - you can call it an anti-Israeli organization but what it is, is a conference made up of 122 states that are parties to the Geneva conventions - the consensus they reach carries a tremendous amount of legal authority). Even the United States, Israel's greatest ally, recognizes Israel as an occupying power.


The 4th Geneva convention only says you can't transfer your own civilian population to an occupied territory. And as far as I know no Israelis have been 'transferred'. This law is more to prevent for example Israel transferring its Arab population to the territories. But they aren't occupied in the first place. Also how can settling on occupied land be stealing if it's already an occupation? Yeah I didn't even read about the conference I'm just saying it's an opinion and not actually international law.

Israeli settlers have been constructing settlements on occupied land for decades, often with the help of the Israeli government. By definition that is a violation of international law. Time after time the UN and other international bodies address this issue they find it to be illegal. There's not only the conference to the fourth geneva convention that I linked to - there's UN resolutions, rulings by international courts, ect.

Now you're just rabbling catch phrases. I very much would like to see where in this international law this is considered a violation of international law. It's easy to say but hard to prove, especially considering how many loop holes there are in international law. UN consists of a majority of dictatorships trying to cover up their own violations by blaming Israel. Israel is known for long to be the scapegoat in the UN. Not to mention we have 40 muslim nations full of oil. And you expect this body to be neutral in the question of Israel? 200+ resolutions against Israel (tens of thousands killed(including terrorists & Israeli soldiers & civilians)) vs tens regarding Congo(4 million+ murdered in genocide and torture and rape). The fact is these resolutions are always biased. International on the other hand, even if you don't agree with it, is not constructed with sole focus on Israel is definitely neutral in this subject. And I don't really think it matters in any case since this discussion is between us and not with the UN and it's our values that matters not UN or even international law. Now I have actually told you what the 4th Geneva convention says regarding "settlements" and Israel is clearly not violating it. How about use the common catch phrases and think for yourself instead?

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#3 Cow4ever
Member since 2011 • 689 Posts
[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="EsYuGee"] The basis of the 2 state solution is Israel and Palestine side by side. As someone who follows this so closely, you should know that Netanyahu specifically said a "Jewish" state and not an "Israeli" state because he needed to create opposition. Abbas knows that if he recognises Israel as Jewish that would limit the right of return claim. Ask yourself this then, why recognition as a Jewish state, and not an Israeli one, when more thatn 20% of the people there are not Jewish? That would be like the US declaring it's a "white" country. Also, "willing to recognise" does not mean "recognise." Both sides have reneged on their promises before; why should one state officially recognise the other first? "Pulling a fast one" means trying to slip one in or being tricky hoping the other party doesn't realise.EsYuGee
Ok so then a Palestine as a Settlement Dictatorship or Israel as an arab republic is acceptable? No he said Jewish state cause he didn't want any additional demands after the negotiations and because it's the basis of the 2 state solution. And this isn't even a precondition, he is ready to negotiate even without that. How would that in any way limit the right of return claim? Israel already is a Jewish state and it has 20% Arabs with equal rights. Hmm then why a Palestinian state at all? Cause that's just like US declaring it's a white country. Of course not since there is no Palestinian state but they will recognize it after a peace deal. Noone have to do it first, they'll recognize each other through the peace deal but Abbas doesn't want to recognize Israel as Jewish at all!

Arabs in Israel have equal right until they want housing permits right? (not to mention the bedouin). What do you mean he didn't want any additional demands? That's the point of negotiating. You agree on a set of terms and stick to it. What's the point of negotiations if you already know the outcome? Preconditions get some thorny issues out of the way and also show good faith before the real negotiations start. Why so much emphasis on who agrees to negotiate. Agreeing to negotiate doesn't mean a thing if you already know there isn't going to be an agreement.

Arabs can get housing permit. Obviously discrimination exists in Israel like in every country but in law they're equal. And Arabs owns as much private land as Jews. And Arabs owns alot of symbolic valuable property like old cities of Akko, Jerusalem, Jaffa and Nazareth. But I agree with the Bedouins. Israel should treat them better. European countries wouldn't tolerate nomads like this but Israel should out of goodwill. No I mean additional demands after the negotiations are concluded, like Israel and Palestine created and peace and then 5 years later he wants and arab state in galilee as well. Yes if both agree on the preconditions then why not get it out of the way, but if they don't then you have to negotiate. That's the whole point of negotiations. For example why would Israel want to cease natural growth in the "settlements" which could cause a crisis in these settlement that lies on a territory whose status isn't close to agreed upon which means it could most likely end up in Israel anyway. Remember this isn't building new settlements, it's existing settlements expanded upon to accommodate the growing existing population. That means no new "immigrants", only growing existing. Well agreeing to negotiate at least is one step closer than not, like Abbas. Yup there won't be an agreement until the palestinians are willing to compromise.
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#4 Cow4ever
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Well I'm going away for a while in case you're wondering why I am not replying to you all

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#5 Cow4ever
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"The participating High Contracting Parties reaffirm the applicability of the [Fourth Geneva Convention] to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and reiterate the need for full respect for the provisions of the said Convention in that Territory. Through the present Declaration, they recall in particular the respective obligations under the Convention of all High Contracting Parties (para 4-7), of the parties to the conflict (para 8-11) and of the State of Israel as the Occupying Power (para 12-15)"

The settlements they are building are flat out illegal. And Israel shouldn't be expecting to get anything in return for these territories - why are they entitled to profit off of stolen land? There's a reason why there is palestinian hostility towards Israel - sure, some of it has to do with anti-semitism - but there are legitimate grievances that the Palestinian people are rightfully upset about, and the Israeli government has completely ignored these grievances, and by doing that it also fuels the irrational hatred towards the Jewish people. The policies that the Israeli government is pursuing at the moment are self-destructive. If they continue to go down this path they are only going to breed more hatred and isolate itself further from the international community.


So this is basically an anti-Israeli organization expressing their opinion. I don't see how this got to do with international law. I didn't say profit. I mean a viable peace deal and security which they haven't got in any of the 4 cases of when they have given up their land! And it isn't stolen. Israel was attacked from these strategically important territories. You think they "stole" captured tanks & aircraft as well? Tough luck, don't use them in the first place. Giving back that land is pretty much like saying it's ok to attack anyone you want anytime you want as there are no consequences. Not to mention these territories wasn't Palestinian, Jordanian or Egyptian to begin with! That's like saying there is a reason there was German hostility towards Jews during WWII. Just because people are upset doesn't mean they are right. In the same way there are Israelis upset as well, does that justify anything? Not at all. And you know it doesn't matter which path they choose, people will continue to hate Jews and isolate Israel. 2000 years and you think it's gonna stop now? Israel will get hated no matter what they do unless it is destroyed.

When you are illegally settling on occupied territory, you are stealing land. That is a gross violation of the fourth Geneva convention, and you cannot show me one legal organization of international standing that thinks that the fourth Geneva convention (which Israel is a party to) do not apply. There is a broad consensus among the parties that have ratified the Geneva conventions that this is the case (as my linked demonstrated - you can call it an anti-Israeli organization but what it is, is a conference made up of 122 states that are parties to the Geneva conventions - the consensus they reach carries a tremendous amount of legal authority). Even the United States, Israel's greatest ally, recognizes Israel as an occupying power.

The 4th Geneva convention only says you can't transfer your own civilian population to an occupied territory. And as far as I know no Israelis have been 'transferred'. This law is more to prevent for example Israel transferring its Arab population to the territories. But they aren't occupied in the first place. Also how can settling on occupied land be stealing if it's already an occupation? Yeah I didn't even read about the conference I'm just saying it's an opinion and not actually international law.
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#6 Cow4ever
Member since 2011 • 689 Posts
[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="EsYuGee"] Oh boy, here comes those semantics again. Abbas would probably accept an Israeli state, but not a "Jewish state" because that would undermine the refugee problem. Netanyahu was trying to pull a fast one and you know it. On the other hand, why is Israel so antagonistic toward a "Palestinian state."EsYuGee
So it's ok not to recognize a Jewish state but wrong with a Palestinian state? The whole basis of the 2 state solution is a Jewish and a Palestinian state. An Israeli state might as well be an arab state with the name Israel and vice verca. But the fact is Israel have said they are willing to recognize a Palestinian state established through negotiations but Abbas refuses to recognize a Jewish state. And I don't know what pulling a fast one means.

The basis of the 2 state solution is Israel and Palestine side by side. As someone who follows this so closely, you should know that Netanyahu specifically said a "Jewish" state and not an "Israeli" state because he needed to create opposition. Abbas knows that if he recognises Israel as Jewish that would limit the right of return claim. Ask yourself this then, why recognition as a Jewish state, and not an Israeli one, when more thatn 20% of the people there are not Jewish? That would be like the US declaring it's a "white" country. Also, "willing to recognise" does not mean "recognise." Both sides have reneged on their promises before; why should one state officially recognise the other first? "Pulling a fast one" means trying to slip one in or being tricky hoping the other party doesn't realise.

Ok so then a Palestine as a Settlement Dictatorship or Israel as an arab republic is acceptable? No he said Jewish state cause he didn't want any additional demands after the negotiations and because it's the basis of the 2 state solution. And this isn't even a precondition, he is ready to negotiate even without that. How would that in any way limit the right of return claim? Israel already is a Jewish state and it has 20% Arabs with equal rights. Hmm then why a Palestinian state at all? Cause that's just like US declaring it's a white country. Of course not since there is no Palestinian state but they will recognize it after a peace deal. Noone have to do it first, they'll recognize each other through the peace deal but Abbas doesn't want to recognize Israel as Jewish at all!
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#7 Cow4ever
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[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="sonicare"] Good points. The israeli people end up bearing the brunt of the response to their government's policies. Those settlements are illegal and just a bad idea in general.


Why did they vote for their government then? It's the policy of the people as well.

Not necessarily. Often times people are unaware of what policies their government will enact. Most people in the US are probably oblivious of the US government's foreign policy, for example.

They where aware somewhat at least. Most people want to keep some territory of the West Bank and Golan
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#8 Cow4ever
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[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]Yes it certainly does. I'd really like to see where in international law this is demonstrably wrong. And they should continue to build settlements as long as there are noone to negotiate with. Even if that land did not belong to them in the first place do you think it's right that they should give it away in return for absolutely nothing but increased hostility? As with Gaza and South Lebanon. And as with Egypt where it'll be pretty much be revoked. sonicare

"The participating High Contracting Parties reaffirm the applicability of the [Fourth Geneva Convention] to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and reiterate the need for full respect for the provisions of the said Convention in that Territory. Through the present Declaration, they recall in particular the respective obligations under the Convention of all High Contracting Parties (para 4-7), of the parties to the conflict (para 8-11) and of the State of Israel as the Occupying Power (para 12-15)"

The settlements they are building are flat out illegal. And Israel shouldn't be expecting to get anything in return for these territories - why are they entitled to profit off of stolen land? There's a reason why there is palestinian hostility towards Israel - sure, some of it has to do with anti-semitism - but there are legitimate grievances that the Palestinian people are rightfully upset about, and the Israeli government has completely ignored these grievances, and by doing that it also fuels the irrational hatred towards the Jewish people. The policies that the Israeli government is pursuing at the moment are self-destructive. If they continue to go down this path they are only going to breed more hatred and isolate itself further from the international community.

Good points. The israeli people end up bearing the brunt of the response to their government's policies. Those settlements are illegal and just a bad idea in general.

Why did they vote for their government then? It's the policy of the people as well.
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#9 Cow4ever
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"The participating High Contracting Parties reaffirm the applicability of the [Fourth Geneva Convention] to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and reiterate the need for full respect for the provisions of the said Convention in that Territory. Through the present Declaration, they recall in particular the respective obligations under the Convention of all High Contracting Parties (para 4-7), of the parties to the conflict (para 8-11) and of the State of Israel as the Occupying Power (para 12-15)"

The settlements they are building are flat out illegal. And Israel shouldn't be expecting to get anything in return for these territories - why are they entitled to profit off of stolen land? There's a reason why there is palestinian hostility towards Israel - sure, some of it has to do with anti-semitism - but there are legitimate grievances that the Palestinian people are rightfully upset about, and the Israeli government has completely ignored these grievances, and by doing that it also fuels the irrational hatred towards the Jewish people. The policies that the Israeli government is pursuing at the moment are self-destructive. If they continue to go down this path they are only going to breed more hatred and isolate itself further from the international community.


Stolen land...I guess don't start and then lose wars then. Israel didn't just walk into these territories and steal land...what a farce. Arab nations intended on nothing less than destroying Israel and this is the result. In most other cases when is land gained like this given back? Ask yourself what would have happened if the arabs won either of the major conflicts...think Israel would even be there today? Everyone know what the intent of the Arabs are...and it isn't a two state solution. It never has been.

I did not know that the intentions of the Arab people were monolithic.

Regardless, none of what you said makes what Israel continues to do any less illegal.

In the case of Israel they definitely were. No but it isn't illegal to begin with. I again challenge you to disprove this.
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#10 Cow4ever
Member since 2011 • 689 Posts

[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]Yes it certainly does. I'd really like to see where in international law this is demonstrably wrong. And they should continue to build settlements as long as there are noone to negotiate with. Even if that land did not belong to them in the first place do you think it's right that they should give it away in return for absolutely nothing but increased hostility? As with Gaza and South Lebanon. And as with Egypt where it'll be pretty much be revoked. -Sun_Tzu-

"The participating High Contracting Parties reaffirm the applicability of the [Fourth Geneva Convention] to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and reiterate the need for full respect for the provisions of the said Convention in that Territory. Through the present Declaration, they recall in particular the respective obligations under the Convention of all High Contracting Parties (para 4-7), of the parties to the conflict (para 8-11) and of the State of Israel as the Occupying Power (para 12-15)"

The settlements they are building are flat out illegal. And Israel shouldn't be expecting to get anything in return for these territories - why are they entitled to profit off of stolen land? There's a reason why there is palestinian hostility towards Israel - sure, some of it has to do with anti-semitism - but there are legitimate grievances that the Palestinian people are rightfully upset about, and the Israeli government has completely ignored these grievances, and by doing that it also fuels the irrational hatred towards the Jewish people. The policies that the Israeli government is pursuing at the moment are self-destructive. If they continue to go down this path they are only going to breed more hatred and isolate itself further from the international community.

So this is basically an anti-Israeli organization expressing their opinion. I don't see how this got to do with international law. I didn't say profit. I mean a viable peace deal and security which they haven't got in any of the 4 cases of when they have given up their land! And it isn't stolen. Israel was attacked from these strategically important territories. You think they "stole" captured tanks & aircraft as well? Tough luck, don't use them in the first place. Giving back that land is pretty much like saying it's ok to attack anyone you want anytime you want as there are no consequences. Not to mention these territories wasn't Palestinian, Jordanian or Egyptian to begin with! That's like saying there is a reason there was German hostility towards Jews during WWII. Just because people are upset doesn't mean they are right. In the same way there are Israelis upset as well, does that justify anything? Not at all. And you know it doesn't matter which path they choose, people will continue to hate Jews and isolate Israel. 2000 years and you think it's gonna stop now? Israel will get hated no matter what they do unless it is destroyed.