[QUOTE="Renevent42"][QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] And as the Arab people have demonstrated throughout this year, Arab governments don't usually represent public opinion. Polls have shown repeatedly that large majorities of both Palestinians and Israelis are willing to live amongst each other, side by side, in peace.That doesn't change the fact that is who Israel has to negotiate with, that's who is making the policies, and that's a big reason things are the way they are now. Or is that Israel's fault too that Palestinians are represented by a groups that supposedly doesn't represent their view points? And who do the Palestinians have to negotiate with? As the Palestine papers have shown, just recently as 2008 the PLO was willing to give up all of the illegal settlements in and around East Jerusalem, for absolutely nothing, as well as the four illegal settlements on the West bank for a small piece of Israeli farm land that was to be divided up between the West Bank and Gaza. But then Netanyahu came into power, and even this deal, which was almost a complete cave in to Israel, was unacceptable to him. Peace negotiations completely collapsed once he came into power. Show me those palestine papers. And the only reason peace negotiations collapsed was cause there never was one really. Abbas pulled out before they had a chance to start. And it wasn't a deal And so? Wow they're willing to give up 5% of land they never had and never have any real claim on in exchange for 5% of more land?http://rhodonpublicaffairs.blogspot.com/2010/05/poll-most-palestinians-israelis-want.html
And as we concluded the "settlements" are perfectly legal so not only are they giving up land they never had they're also giving up legally Israeli land. How generous of them!
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