[QUOTE="Cow4ever"][QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] ronpaul has been against us being based all around the world since the 80's, this is nothing new, this is not because of any current war or terror threat, he calls for this because he thinks it is right not because of some reactionary fear you wish to impose..... and you seem to be all for dictatorships, i am not, i am all for people freely living their lives as long as they dont harm others. out governments job is to enforce the rule of law in our nation where our laws apply. other nations have their governments that they support, if the people dont support the government then they should over throw it. that is there way of life our job is to protect our way of life and not to dictate to others outside of our lands. you think america should be an empire in fact, if not in name, as that is what you just described. i think america should be its own nation and not the world. i agree with ron, you do not. this nataion was once great because people were free to seek their own fortune but because of the uniform living system you are espousing here, free enterprise is all but dead and america is all but bankrupt. doing one thing one way lead to the stagnate corporatist nanny state we have today,and it seems to be just what you want.
So what you're saying is that it's ok to commit a rape-torture-genocide of 4 million people as long as you don't do anything to YOUR country? Yes you sound very egoistic indeed. I'm the only one here truly against dictatorship. You think it's ok for women to be slaves in Saudi Arabia just because they live outside USA? What you're pretty much saying is that your principle of not "dictating others" should come at the cost of millions and millions of people. I don't care which country I live in or you it's not ok to whip a woman because she was in the front seat of a car!! That's not ok regardless of which country you live in. And you speak of overthrowing a government as if it was an easy thing. Gadhafi, Talibans and Saddam would still be the rulers withouth US and NATO. I guess the 4 million in Congo that where rape-tortured-murdered was ok since they hadn't overthrown the government or 5 million voted against them.
No I don't, I don't think of this only America but the entire western world! The thing is the US is the only ones doing anything. I think the whole Western World should enforce democracy and stop genocide and apartheid with any means neccesary! Military if needed!
And the rest of your comment I don't understand a thing I am not talking about your domestic policy here. I never said I agree with your domestic policy.
The problem is that the US doesn't always want to help for the sake of the people. They usually want to impose and manipulate to get some benefit. I don't think they have moral authority judging by their actions. And besides many of the problems in Africa stem from many years of european countries meddling there and imposing their western view of civilization. You just can't take a whole culture mostly based on hunter gatherer societies, enslave its people and treat them as inferior and then expect them to become industrialized first world countries and accept what you bring to them as "civilization". The western meddling in the world has caused much much much more harm than good IMO. I'm not even sure it can be stopped now but it would be nice to try. Well I think that can be discussed but it isn't my point. I'm just saying regardless which country you live in you have to think about the people beyond your border. For example Afghanistan. What I am saying is we should do all it takes to enforce democracy and freedom. And I rather see we try and fail then not try at all. Afghanistan for example the issue isn't solved and lots of people have died. But I still think it was moral, the way they treated women and others are just sick. I know this was in US interest after 9/11 but still I wouldn't want anyone to leave and let the Taliban take power again. But yes I agree western colonialism was a major problem and cause of most of this. Still I don't think it's the same thing. Stopping a genocide with military means for example is different from completely occupy a country, exploit all its resources and make the citizens slave. It's rather the opposite. If anything we should make up for this mistake.
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