All dubstep and metal songs.
Cow4ever's forum posts
I will be disapointed if it isn't the best game of all time since Demon's Souls is almost there already. Only Portal 2 is better IMO. And no I didn't start gaming this gen.
Seriously, Mozart has done several hundreds of hours of music and you think "anything by Mozart" is enough. My guess is you've heard only a tiny fraction of his music and that fraction is Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, which is unarguably one of his worst works. If you'd dig deeper into his music you'll learn that there is much much MUCH more than Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Much better and totally different, his music spans over three major musical eras and are very versatile. There is a reason he is in the top 2 of all time, and it's NOT Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. So I wouldn't dismiss him that easily. Just dismiss his famous catchy tunes.Anything by Mozart. Seriously, there's so much classical music out there. Enough with Mozart.
What the hell are you guys talking about? You are weak. If you think your foreign policy is wrong than critizise it all you want. But should they withraw their bases from Saudi just because of threats?? US foreign policy doesn't justify anything like 9/11. And frankly US foreign policy is the best! If you're against it fine, but don't give in to terrorist threats. If you give them your finger they'll eat your arm. And no I'm not republican, I'm european and would be considered left wing compared to democrats!
When I saw a helicopter I got the urge to shoot it down with my RPG. Too much Black Ops.
Looks as boring as all other mario karts.
Give me money. I am born with the terrible disase of... laziness. I'm so lazy I really don't feel like working and mych rather play video games. Give me money money money money
Only it's not simple laziness, some of these people have developed their poor habits since before they could even make a decision about what food to eat. It's also not a simple matter to put weight off once you put it on, there are some people who can't even do that because they have bad bones and most cardio exercises would put too much stress on their bones.
I know it's not I'm just saying I don't like to go to work and I don't get no money for that, in the same way they shouldn't get money because they don't like to eat healthy or exercise. Yes if she's 15 it's not just her choice but that bone thing is no excuse. You can swim and bicycle etc and I doubt all fat people have bad bones. Point is, at least as adults, it's their decision to be fat. It's no disease or anything. Give them coupons for vegetables and gym instead.Yeah if she's strong and hot let her rough you up a little... >.> I wouldn't mind at all.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
If she's ugly then yes its weird but if she's hot she can do whatever she wants with me.
If she's ugly then yes its weird but if she's hot she can do whatever she wants with me.
Give me money. I am born with the terrible disase of... laziness. I'm so lazy I really don't feel like working and mych rather play video games. Give me money money money money
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