The only problem that I can see with this is that people will have to waste their hard earned money on fake food at Taco Bell. I've eaten some fucking disgusting shit in my life but nothing comes close to the toxic swill that that place tries to pass off as "food".
Maybe this useless tart should learn how to act before demanding that James Bond be rewritten specifically for her. She was a fucking disgrace in Suicide Squad and that's saying something, it takes effort to stand out at being a shitty actor in a garbage movie.
No one "won" it. The entire week was full of mediocrity & disappointment. If E3 is supposed to be a showcase for the future of gaming it looks like I'm going to need to find a new hobby.
Oooohhh, the old "kid" insult. There's not a hell of a lot else one can say online to instantly pin oneself as being a complete asshat than resorting to one of the oldest internet insults in history. Congrats on scoring a douchebag bullseye despite your obvious struggles with English as a second language.
I'm not sure how I know this but I'm pretty sure that the world will keep spinning in spite of the fact that a shitty TV show didn't get an undeserved 3rd season. You'll get over it, try taking up a hobby, volunteer, learn a new skill.... you'll be OK.
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