Good. What a fucking atrocious show it was. Hopefully Netflix will invest the money it's saved by not developing season 3 into creating a far more interesting show based around a close up & in depth look into how grass grows. It'd be far more interesting & make a hell of a lot more sense.
@pointingmonkey: I'd give my left fucking nut to see a del Toro helmed Mountains of Madness. Apparently del Toro was adamant on making it as a hard R rating, the sacless studio execs wanted it to be PG-13 or they wouldn't risk the cash. Del Toro told them to go **** themselves. It's sad because there really isn't another director with his vision that could pull it off.
The same shitty driving, garbage "stealth" & nickel & diming players with horseshit cosmetics DLC as the first game. Thanks but no thanks. I bought the game yesterday & lasted about as long as it took to find out that you still can't enter stealth when you want to & you still can't move bodies even though stealth is supposed to be a supported gameplay option. Sure it looks prettier than the first game, you can also candy coat a dog turd, it doesn't make it any more palatable. Glad that I always buy from my local store that offers a 7 day return policy.
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