@RaveNRolla: They're trying to shove "Black Friday" down our throats here, like the rest of the world needs to import the most repugnant aspect of rabid, narcissistic consumerism ever seen on planet Earth. I guess there aren't enough people trying to beat each other to death in malls over cheap, meaningless shit fabricated in China.
They lie & say that they'll listen but at the end of the day they're just another soulless, piece of shit company growing fat off the profits made from the idiot gamers who'll just keep buying every loot-box, microtransaction filled game that garbage peddlers like EAWare, Ubisoft & WB Games keep churning out. They'll keep doing it regardless of how much shit they cop & they'll keep doing it because a fool & his money are easily parted, the gaming world is absolutely full of idiots who'll keep throwing their money at the next shiny thing that comes along.
Hollywood Twitter accounts rage every time Trump looks at something sideways yet one of their own is outed as a serial pig & next to nothing is said is by any of them. What a pack of cockroaches.
I'm curious as to why Castle's family is now being portrayed as being killed by intruders instead of continuing on from how they were revealed to have died in Daredevil's second season. We're they hoping no one would notice? It's a pretty jarring discrepancy.
So having a white guy play a character of Japanese heritage is a no no but having an asian with no Japanese heritage at all play Daimio is ok? I can bet that if Dae-Kim gets the role no one is going to whine about Korean-washing a role that should have gone to an actor of Japanese heritage. I mean, how far are we going to take this shit?
Hey Hollywood, that's what happens when you consistently release absolute garbage & then alienate half of your potential audience by relentlessly shoving your politics down their throats & labeling them with every word ending in "...ist" and "...phobe" possible if they dissent in any way. Keep your politics to yourselves & start making decent movies, it really isn't that hard.
@iandizion713: No but you're saying that employers in the tech industry are racists & bigots when they don't choose women & minorities above white men who were obviously more qualified for the role seeing as the jobs went to them.
Sorry genius, you're conflating equality of outcome with equality of opportunity. Everyone has the same chance to work hard & earn something on merit just like the rest of us have to. Are you trying to say that women & minorities are incapable of doing this? That's pretty bigoted of you.
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