I think the problem most people have is that this is a exceptionally lazy excuse for a review from someone who should never be allowed open access to Gamespot users ever again yet the powers that be at Gamespot keep giving him internet access.
A 3 minute review? Seriously? Did this muppet just phone it in at the last minute after a weekend bender? I can't be the only one who wonders why in the **** Gamespot still keeps this guy around.
How much bandwidth is all of this going to chew through & how fast a connection does it require? What about the thousands upon thousands of poor bastards out there with 360's who can't get internet access today let alone when the TVBox drops? Thanks but no thanks Micro$oft. It's clear you've completely lost touch with your customer base. People just want to turn on their console & play a damn game without having to worry if their internet connection is going to shit itself. At least Sony seems to remember what a console is for & that said console should work regardless of whether it's online or not. That is why the PS4 will dominate.
Wouldn't it just be easier for everyone to use disc verification for installed games like they do now? Why spend millions upon millions of dollars developing an absolute clusterfuck of a new system just so they can appeal to people too goddamn lazy to get of their arse, out of their seat & change the disc in the console? Yeah you can still mandate compulsory installation but going to all of this trouble for a feature than only benefits lazy people is fucking insane.
No, people just expect to be able to play their games without having to be connected to the internet & to be able to do whatever the hell they want with a disc they've bought which is why most people seem to be supporting Sony this time around.
Agreed & up until tonight I was one of the most unashamed XBox fanboys you'd ever meet. Who want's to spend their money on a gigantic slab of a console that would barely fit in the cabinets of most people's lounge rooms? My parents media PC is smaller than this thing & it's an actual PC, not a tiny OEM device. I don't give a **** about being able to wave my hands in the air like a lunatic, I just want to kill virtual things. Microsoft Megafailed.
Because the XBox is supposed to be about gaming, gaming & fucking gaming. Having a reveal that spent more time advertising the fact that it's a fucking gigantic hulk of a DVR that lets the tiny minority update their fantasy sports teams in real time than showing any games means that it's a total fucking disappointment. The fact that you even had to ask the question yet you're on this site is really fucked up dude.
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