Yeah, look at this Call of Duty gameplay that's just a trailer with no damn gameplay. Sony's PS4 reveal, some nice gameplay footage with no hardware. Microsoft's XBox reveal, the biggest hulking brick of a console they've released yet & not one genuine gameplay sequence. The console looked good until they actually showed it on the stage & it looked almost twice as big as the 360. They spent more time on hyping useless media centre talk at your TV & wave your hands in the air bullshit than promoting the fact that it's supposed to be a gaming console. All in all, very disappointed with the fact that I stayed up until 4 in the morning to watch a presentation for the worlds biggest & most technologically advanced DVR.
None of the hardships seemed to affect the final product any. One of the best shooters I've played in a long time. I especially dug the whole air filter mechanic. Added an excellent sense of urgency when running around outside. Just goes to show that throwing millions of dollars at a game doesn't equal quality. If 4A can do this with 50 people using shitty equipment in sub zero temperatures on a proprietary engine then what in the **** is Activision's & EA-Ware's excuse?
This +1. I don't give a fat **** about Netflix & streaming over Media Centre, I just want a quality console that I can play games on without having to worry about getting the arse when my router shits itself, again, and again, and again.
I was thinking about this last night as my white 360 shook the house whilst playing the new Metro. Sounds like I have a fucking helicopter trying to take off in my living room. If Sony can release a whisper quiet console why did Microsoft find it so hard to do so?
Flatter controls? Whats wrong with the current shape? They fits my hands nicely. Ultimately the only thing I really care about is the Always Online issue. Everything else is superfluous. Always Online = PS4 for me.
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