The "largest amount of gamers" as you put it are adults. How many kids do you know that can afford to buy consoles, XBox Live/PlayStation Plus subscriptions and outlay $50+ 5-6 times per year on games & dlc? Gaming is an expensive hobby & adults are about the only ones who can afford to pay for it all.
I'd like to know how in the **** it is possible to lose money on a game Tomb Raider when it sold over $200m in 3 weeks. Did they shave a monkey & put a suit on it the last time they promoted someone/something to be Square's CEO? Maybe if they stopped charging such criminally outrageous prices for their Final Fantasy mobile ports they'd be a bit less hard up than they are now.
They can call it whatever the hell they want, if I'm not able to play single player games offline then Sony's getting my $'s for the first time since the PS1.
Another racist cursing us "white devils" & blaming us for all of the world's ills. People of all colours & creeds have had no problems wiping each other out for reasons of race, religion & politics for centuries, long before Europeans colonised parts of the world, bigot. If you expect me to be ashamed of & apologise for the colour of my skin then you'll be waiting a long, long time.
Yeah, I posted after just finishing the game for the first time. Thinking about it some more I get that it might have made the game too easy to give you every weapon at once & I can deal with not being able to strap 300 guns to my back but I still have a gripe with the imbalance in weapon drops. Putting machine guns into the hands of the vast majority of enemies when you hate using machine guns & instead want to use a carbine, repeater or burst gun can be a real pain in the arse, especially when you have to spend an aeon of game time trying to find one of those guns if you want to try one out after upgrading it if you don't already have it or had to drop one of those guns to pick up something else after you ran out of ammo. I at least hope that Irrational fixes that up. That being said the rest of the game was great.
Infinite was good but the whole 2 weapon limit thing really gave me the shits. People will say that it adds to the game by forcing strategic thinking & planning but not having access during a battle to any gun you've picked up & used earlier, to be able to approach the scenario in whatever way you want was a big let-down for me considering the benefits that an increased load-out gave in the last 2 games & all of the fun & mayhem that that entailed. Yeah I knew it was a feature before I bought it but I wanted to give it a chance anyway. Despite what the developers hoped would happen by restricting your load-out I found it to be only an inconvenience that added nothing to the quality of the game.
Running low or out of ammo so that you have to drop the gun you love for a gun that's convenient & then have to run around trying to find your favourite gun again later on when you buy some ammo once you've found a vendor, or upgrading a weapon that you don't currently have at a vendor & then struggle to find that gun anywhere to try out your upgrades? Good luck. Is being able to carry a metric fuckton of guns & rocket launchers unrealistic? Yeah it is, but it's a hell of a lot more convenient than having to try & hunt down a Vox Repeater or Burstgun after upgrading at a vendor to be able to try out the new upgrades & compare them to your other gun. I really hope this is something that they patch out later.
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