Apart from the increased brightness on the 360 (which is easily fixable) there's no difference between the consoles. But man the PC version looks stunning. God I wish I could afford a decent rig.
Both Darksiders were fantastic & a much needed breath of fresh air (was a bit miffed about the lack of collectibles in 2 as opposed to 1 but it was a small matter). As someone who's long lamented the disappearance of the Soulreaver IP & its mixture of combat, puzzling & platforming Darksiders 1 & 2 were an excellent revival of that classic mix of gaming. I just hope that this sad news doesn't mean the end for any hope of a Darksiders 3.
A person with the sig from the main protagonist from Starship Troopers lecturing about sex & violence on TV? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
He'd be better off introducing a bill to study the effects of fuckwit parents on their children or better yet, how about a bill to study the effects of ignorant, self serving politicians (like this skidmark seeking to score political points for his re-election campaign off a tragedy like Sandy Hook) on cynical voters
Higher wages mean higher costs. Do you honestly need someone to explain that to you? The problem with whingers is that you can give them a 100 legitimate reasons why & they'll still demand 101 reasons.
The thing that most Australians who complain about the price we pay here as opposed to what people in the US pay forget is that it takes longer for an American on minimum wage to earn enough to buy a AAA title at US retail prices than it does for an Australian on minimum wage to earn enough to buy the same title at retail price here. Maybe more Australians should start being thankful that our minimum wage is a hell of a lot better than the slave wages that most Americans on minimum wage get.
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