I really enjoy the new shows that discuss intellectual aspects and debates based around gaming. It's nice to see these things discussed in an adult and respectful manner. And then watching "SkyrimTop 5" and happily remembering that you guys are real gamers and people, and we're all nerds together.
Thank you Johnny. Well said, and spot on. There is still definitely an issue in today's culture in which people seem to forget that even though it is the internet and it is "only a comment", we are still human-beings interacting with one another. Manners and respect still count for something. Keep it up Johnny and GS.
Wow Danny, what a great side-swipe of an episode. Awesome subject, respectfully covered and very informative. Great show, thank you for making "being a gamer" have more depth than just a stupid couch jockey.
" unprecedented pentup demand " is freaking right! GTA IV was a great new console stepping stone. But despite it's size, that one city feels pretty small after all these years. Yet still beautiful and in depth, although clearly showing it's age. I spent time recently just flying around, or driving in GTA IV online freeroam, just to say good bye to the old city. But no matter, it'll be great to return to San Andreas!
SPOT ON EPISODE. Thank you Danny. Seriously, you make great points and sound like an intellectual gamer, not just an overly enthusiastic fanboy like so many people unintentionally do. Always wish there was more of your work.
Thanks again.
(Red Dead was freaking awesome! I haven't played any console games all year, but I bought a new tv just to ensure I get GTAV at it's best! Been waiting so long!)
CruiserCaptain's comments