I still would like to know if there is any kind of "private" mode? I'm just a fan of on occasion setting up a private game with just a few friends to engage in somewhat planned activities.
@mnickel3 @CruiserCaptain Ha, one of my favorite books too. I am fully aware of invasive technology on all front in our modern times. And to be honest, the more of it the more I become concerned. Not so much for a bit of individual minor amounts, its more the overall accumulation of these bits over many media and interactions that concerns me. Also in relation to the initial subject discussed, the kinect's abilities, I do see it as a prime example of the ever increasing watchful eye of "Big Brother". Not as a single entity, but "Big Brother" as a reference to any vague larger center of power using it's ability to manipulate and greatly influence the choices of the general populous. But it takes awareness of the general populous to counter the power held by these Big Brothers. So... here we are having a conversation about the threats of an ever increasing watchful eye on a gaming site in the public comments forum... ha hiding in plain sight.
@cellblock1138 If that's the truth, then I would have to assume that you also avoid most movies, television, talk radio, almost all other games, as well as just about every part of the internet?
Thanks Xbox, for bringing Orwell's 1984 just a little closer. I know I've been wanting a "Telescreen" for so long! I can't wait for the oppressive rule of "EngSoc"! Now, only if you could just make it so the system never turns off, or the volume can never be turned all the way down. I want to make sure everyone gets the security we all deserve. You know I can't wait for a good dose of doublethink!
@ @dannyodwyer Thank you again sir, and everyone else at GS thinking along the same lines. Valid points and true sentiment. Your effort is not wasted on all of us out here. Hope to see you in Los Santos.
PLEASE PLEASE don't ruin GTA Online by forcing me to fight other peoples' wallets and not their skills.
Nothing would be more disheartening then to play against a-holes that just drop a bunch of cash on something like an "explosive sniper rifle" or one of those annoying helicopter with NO limit on rockets or absolutely NO cool-down time. If the cash goes to clothing, housing, and that kind of static item, that's fine. That little sparrow from TBGT was cool, but the infinite weapons and lack of limitations were so stupid, and help to ruin many open games in GTA IV. I really hope we don't have to deal with that Over Powered stuff again.
@jayjay444 It's not just that situation, it happens at times even when you stay at the same safehouse. Honestly, since it came out I have "lost" a number of vehicles in the garages. And wasted A LOT of in game money.
Hope the patch comes soon. It's a real bumber to lose a car to a glitch.
@RedLegZeff Don't forget the horrible intuitive training of "finger guns" of which many children naturally partake in. And have resulted in children being suspended from school. So also ban thumbs and forefingers on children, off with them all! And the "pew pew" sound while we're at it, so lips have to go too!
CruiserCaptain's comments