NO TIE-IN MOVIE! They are never good movies and we love GTA as it is and would hate to see it attempted as a movie! It would be done purely for a money-grab as the general themes in all GTA pretty much cover every crime, gang, city, car-chase, action, detective, murder, hard-life/times summer fun movie ever made and there is no need to try and make it a smaller movie!!! EVER! Seriously, if we want to see what's in GTA then we could watch just about any action movie there ever was or play the freaking game! Please save us from Hollywood trying to grab whatever they can. Amen,
@Rockstar: THANK YOU, for being awesome and not letting others' try to take such wonderful "jewels" and turn them into a 'Sh*t-Crown of Embarrassment'. GTA is far better than any movie could ever hope to be! Keep it up!
@dannyodwyer @KingofCabal THAT GAME LOOKS AMAZING! I still love R:TW 1. What a great series! It's hard to find another RTS game that competes with such wonderful strategic warfare. Great historical warfare, such rewarding battles. Looking forward to the stream man.
@grin89 Yeah I have wondered if it's weird for me to find these types of shows more entertaining than regular tv? I look forward to the gamespot shows. It's a shame they recently cut so many from their list.
CruiserCaptain's comments