For the record, if you are from the US, I think our government would prefer we use the term "Liberate". We 'Liberated' Denmark.... in Minecraft. Yeah freedom! Now they can vote for their leaders! We're great! And I hear they have rich iron deposits, we may liberate those too, for freedom.
@dannyodwyer @CruiserCaptain Oh yeah, don't forget the: Why? for cheats. I remember many long childhood sleep-over conversation as to why they were put in, but always hidden, or secret in nature (yet we all knew about them.)
Great episode. Since it's VideoGame history month, can we finally do the episode about "Cheat-Code" where they originally came from, the treasure they seemed to be back in the day, the loss of them over the years, and the modern day version of legitimate mods and game breakin hacks.
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