This. Iwata has said they will show off the WiiU and its games at E3.
No he didn't. He said that he would be releasing a steady stream of information until E3.
"Rather, we have to create the dynamic range of appeals that the consumers can appreciate… As we will showcase the Wii U at E3 in June this year, the detailed announcements must wait until then"
Maybe I am misunderstanding him, but that sounds like what I said. I hope I am wrong :P.
this is what Reggie said:
"So essentially we will be sharing information throughout the entire year.I won't say that you're going to have to wait until E3, but we certainly aren't breaking new information here – no launch date, no launch price, no software line-up. But we will be sharing a lot of information all through the year on how we will be driving Wii U into households".
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