A Japanese developer really shouldn't critique about game design.percech
Just some of his work. Easily one of the best looking JRPG's of this generation. Way better than those shameful titles that finalstar usually hypes up.
Hironobu Sakaguchi, the director behind The Last Story believes that video game developers are worrying too much about producing rich HD visuals, when they should in fact be worrying about the fundamentals in video game design.
"Now that high-quality graphics rule supreme, you can reproduce what you want to communicate visually, but at the same time, I don't know how to put this, but there's an element that's slightly excessive about it all…You end up communicating too much to the player."
"This is why I now feel that we're at a turning point. With this title, I pressed reset and returned to the basics of what a game is. I started by spending a lot of time considering just what it means to tell a story in a game. But it went beyond simply considering the story side of things – I looked again at the fundamentals on the system side too.
"To be honest, I think that the HD images which have become mainstream in the TV industry are, for me personally, still rather over the top for the world of video games. There's a tendency for developers to allow all their energy to be diverted into maintaining the high quality of the graphics."Sakaguchi
As a Sony fanboy with the majority of my PS1 games featuring voice acting, Nintendo is so far behind on this. Not having VA in a game at this day in age is just a sign of how backwards their thinking is.PS2_ROCKS
Yeah, that would make sense if all of their games didn't have VA... So you're wrong.
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