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#1 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

So someone won their bet now if this rumor is true.

 Like a boss.
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#2 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts
My 2012 must buy list: Diablo 3 Guild wars 2 Project cars Sly 4 Command and conquer Planet side Crusader kings 2 Max Payne 3 Darksiders 2 Animal crossing Kid Icarus uprising Kingdom hearts 3D Luigis mansion 2 Paper Mario Wii U + some launch titles Games I'm keeping an eye on: Twisted metal Hitman absolution Must buy - unconfirmed 2012 release: Fire emblem Bravely default flying fairy Rune factory 4 Layton vs ace attorney GTA 5 Heroes of ruin Fantasy life Defiantly a good year for me.
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#3 D4W1L4H
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[QUOTE="TransFishers"]I agree. Review games for what they are, not what you want them to be. If the only negative is that it's an accurate port of the arcade original, then writing a review at all seems like a waste of time.TransFishers

That's exactly what I did. This is a short game with tedious combat and lousy unlockables. It's bad. As I said in my review, it's Good that it's acrade perfect so historians have a copy of this game, but that doesn't mean it's fun to play. I'm not sure why you think I was measuring it against some hypothetical belief of what it should be. I played it, it's boring, and I detailed why that's the case.

I don't care if a game was fun twenty years ago. People have limited time and money, and I would be doing them a disservice if I gave it a high score just because I had fun with it when I was ten.

You're an idiot. (A delusional idiot, at that) You said it was an accurate emulation of the original, then went on to score it a 3.0 for not having modern features and having a lack of a compelling narrative, which comes back to the whole "idiot" thing. You are so stupid that my brain is trying to claw it's way out of my head screaming "WHY DO YOU MAKE ME READ THIS SH*T, WHY DO YOU HATE ME". Jesus, you give the internet aids just by existing.

Only an idiot would compare a human to aids based on his preference of toys... Over the Internet.
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#4 D4W1L4H
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[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]Japanese developers like Marvelous interactive (Harvest moon) Neverland. Co (Rune Factory) said that they are not interested in developing in HD at this point. I wouldn't want to see those titles become handheld exclusive.BrunoBRS
correction: natsume is the developer of both harvest moon and rune factory. maybe neverland co ported it and marvelous published it, but natsume is the one that makes the games.

I'm pretty sure Natsume owns both IP's, but they aren't the people who develop them. Atleast that what it says on their Wiki page.

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#5 D4W1L4H
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The Move was also patented way before a the Wii was announced...but everyone is quickly to forget.
Same as this, for the lay people it's as if Sony copied...but in reality a lot of companies borrow ideas from each other.
And who knows, maybe this is just a peripheral kind of thing instead of the gimmick Wii U is going for.


Learn what a gimmick is before you use the word. Explain how something as standard as a touchscreen in this day and age could be ****fied as a gimmick.

Nintendo always relies on gimmicks, was anyone screaming for a tablet like controller in the gaming industry? No, and I really hope ****c controllers and wiimotes still work with the Wii U. I actually hoped for Nintendo to make comments about how they're going to deliver a online gaming network with the Wii U, make some comments on how they're going to have a decent 3rd party support for the first time or even how they're going to make new IP's. But nope, we got this cool tablet like thing and zomg its innovation! Nintendo will always be a company that produces gimmicks instead of improving on games. I don't need "innovative" horizontal and *gasp* even vertical slashes with Skyward Sword...I can do that with the simple press of 2 different buttons if you mongrels program it right...time to throw some innovative shurikens with the next Zelda I guess.

Quick fact. Touch screen is not a gimmick anymore. It once was, but now it's as common as dirt, prevalent in almost every electronic device. They had 1 hour to unveil a new console, which wasn't even supposed to be announced how much did you expect. And apparently, you didn't watch t did you? If you did, you would've seen large numbers of 3rd party developers announcing their support for the Wii U, and Nintendo announcing that all wii peripherals would be compatible with the wii U. But in your world, any form of change is a burden apparently. Where were you when the analog stick was announced? "durr, I can do all that with a dpad." Also, they have already announced that they have a unified online structure, and that Miyamoto is working on brand new IP's.
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#6 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

The Move was also patented way before a the Wii was announced...but everyone is quickly to forget.
Same as this, for the lay people it's as if Sony copied...but in reality a lot of companies borrow ideas from each other.
And who knows, maybe this is just a peripheral kind of thing instead of the gimmick Wii U is going for.

Learn what a gimmick is before you use the word. Explain how something as standard as a touchscreen in this day and age could be classified as a gimmick.
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#7 D4W1L4H
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[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"][QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"] Again, twist and try to reason with it all you wish. 2010 still comes before 2011. The least you could do to attempt to help your argument is link to Nintendo's patent showing they had the idea first......oh wait, you can't because Sony beat them to it. Have fun in your fantasy world there junior.AmazonTreeBoa

Because we all know that it takes less than a year to have development kits sent out and demo systems up and running right?

I am sorry, but did you say something? Because at this point all I am hearing from you guys is "blah blah blah :cry::cry::cry::cry: blah blah blah". Get over it. Sony didn't copy Nintendo with this.

The only buthurt fanboys are the ones who were laughing at Nintendo for having a touchscreen controller, then turn around and say "Sony didn't copy Nintendo, Sony did it first!" Truth is, PS4 will have a touchscreen controller, with obvious resemblance to the Wii U but dumbasses will still deny the source of inspiration.
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#8 D4W1L4H
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[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"] Doesn't matter. Sony still came up with the idea first based off this info. You can twist it or reason with it all you wish, but at the end of the day, 2010 comes before 2011.AmazonTreeBoa

That doesn't mean they came up with the idea first. It means they put it on paper and submitted it. Patent =/= reveal, or invent. Don't see how that's so hard to comprehend. Companies sit on patents and never do a damn thing with them.

Again, twist and try to reason with it all you wish. 2010 still comes before 2011. The least you could do to attempt to help your argument is link to Nintendo's patent showing they had the idea first......oh wait, you can't because Sony beat them to it. Have fun in your fantasy world there junior.

Because we all know that it takes less than a year to have development kits sent out and demo systems up and running right?
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#9 D4W1L4H
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Plumbers don't wear ties style?
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#10 D4W1L4H
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Show me the pudding!............... I mean.....proof..... :| ... damn it sucks to be hungry lol



Bro, now you're just trolling me XD Whatever, I still doubt Sony will go with this. Would be kinda stupid of them, after Nintendo showing last year what the WIi-U would be all about. Then again... it is Sony lol

No no no. Once Nintendo announces it, it has a confirmed Sony release.