D4W1L4H's forum posts
SM3DL could've passed as a new IP, if it didn't use Mario.
Same with Galaxy
Other M
Epic yarn
Punch Out
Kid Icarus Uprising
+ Many more
I seriously don't see the problem. We're getting new IP's like Xenoblade, Disaster Day of Crisis (EU/AUS and JP), Pushmo, Mii/Wii and we're getting old IP's Like Metroid, Luigis Mansion, Mario Kart, Punch Out, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Pokemon, Mario (3D), Mario Party, Mario (2D), Donkey Kong, SSB, Fire Emblem, Wario Ware, Wario Land etc. But everyone's always complainig about Nintendo only focusing Zelda and Mario?
The last time we got a console Zelda title was 5 years ago, and everyone's going nuts calling it a rehash?
We get one Mario Kart per system, and people call it a rehash? Why don't people call Fire Emblem a rehash?
We had 2 Metroid games exclusive for the Wii this gen, and one Zelda exclusive for the Wii, and everyone's crying about to much Zelda and not enough Metroid?
We had 1 2D Mario title for the Wii, which WASN'T a port from the DS version. (contrary to popular belief)
For the First time ever, we got 2 3D mario titles for a home system. (Only 2)
Nintendo release 2 ports of 15 year old titles for the new audiences, which many haven't even played yet, and people call the 3DS port city? ("HD" remakes anyone?)
I could go on with facts, but I digress.
People Who complain about Nintendo only focusing on Mario and Zelda need to get their heads out of their asses.
Adding onto the mounting pile of news coming from an investor's briefing with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is word that the Wii U's tablet-like controller with have "Near Field Communication" technology (NFC). In Nintendo's words, the tech will serve to "read and write data via noncontact NFC and to expand the new play format in the video game world." Owners can apparently create their own cards and figurines for use with the WiiPad's NFC functionality.Confusing as that may be, Iwata means that the Wii U's WiiPad will come equipped with the same tech that Skylanders uses to alter its gameplay via real world objects. The tech could conceivably be used to make credit card payments as well, which Iwata specifically mentions in the last paragraph.
Mario Is a mascot. Not every Mario game is a Sequel, it's not like Zelda.
Wait, wait...
Will the 3DS also have an account System? Why did they only mention the Wii U.
And why is it still called Nintendo Network!?
- Digital will include user to user communications and sharing. Iwata mentioned the possibility of selling your copy of digital game to a friend after being done with it.
Best Idea I've heard from the Big 3.
Well, I don't like to sell games to my friends, I usually just give them for free, especially if they're no use to me anymore. I hope they also let you do that.
- Wii U will have unified account based system ala PSN and Xbox Live. Your account will no longer be tied to your hardware.
Excelent, excelent. Made 30 new email acounts for this the other day.
[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]Can I get a link please?c_rake
*Sees online*
Can I get a link please?
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