Didn't SCE's R & D expenses recently spike up... And didn't Naughty Dog say they were having trouble transitioning to a new platform... >Points to PS4.
[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]It probably will be for me, if Sony and ms continue chucking 1997 controllers at me. Next gen, if consoles don't have a radical change interface wise, I won't buy them. hakanakumono
Sounds like you have your priorities straight. Here's another idea: don't buy keyboards until they change qwerty.
I don't think you're understanding my point. Consoles for console games. Consoles for unique experiences. Consoles for innovative breakthrough. And yes, consoles for gimmicks. Each console generation added something new to the control scheme: 3rd gen - D pads were introduced and became the standard. 4th gen - Shoulder buttons were introduced and became the standard. 5th gen - Analog/dual analog/ forced feedback was introduced and became the standard 6th gen - ... 7th gen - motion control was introduced - didn't become standard in it's form. (used in wii u controller, but not in the form of wiimote/move/kinect) 8th gen - Secondary touch screen interface standard? Sony's primary control scheme has basically not changed since the 5th gen(1997), and personally, I'm finding that stale. RE: keyboard comparison: are you referring to PC gaming? If so, the PC does have other options than the keyboard. In recent years, we've even seen motion controls for the PC. PC has options, which keep their controls from being stale. In battlefield, I can go from M/KB for shooting, then easily go to my steering wheel when I jump into a vehicle.
[QUOTE="meetroid8"] Is a higher resolution really a good enough incentive to pay 300+ for a new console? I want real improvements.
I heard that 3rd parties are being involved with the development of the Wii U.
I heard that too, but I heard the same thing about the Wii way back when. Let's hope it's true this time. Wii U's current lineup looks pretty good to me so far. Already we have (not including ports): New untitled Assassins creed game New untitled Battlefield game No more heroes 3 New untitled Tekken game Killer freaks from outer space. Lego city stories. Pikmin 3 New retro studios game. New monolith game. Of course, only one of these games has been confirmed as a launch title, but the possibility is still their for most of these titles, given the fact that most of these devs have had a dev kit for almost 1.5 years now And as a confirmed downloadable launch title for the Wii U, we have Tom Clancy's Ghost recon online, where gameplay footage has already been shown showing the utilization of an FPS (in it's most basic form) with the wii u controller. Honestly, the features of the controller provide an engaging interface if you watch the e3 2011 footage. Let us not forget that rockstar is rumored to have had a wii U dev kit for about 2 years now.
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