Well, looks like you can add Grand Theft Auto V to the multiplat list. Also 2 new THQ titles: one multiplat and one exclusive. I wonder what they gonna be :question:
I already have the THQ titles, but I'll put GTA V as a rumor.
Well, looks like you can add Grand Theft Auto V to the multiplat list. Also 2 new THQ titles: one multiplat and one exclusive. I wonder what they gonna be :question:
I already have the THQ titles, but I'll put GTA V as a rumor.
[reserved for updates]
Wii U rumors/confirmations all in one place
Since E3 2011, we haven't really recieved much word from the horse's mouth about the Wii U, infact all we've got was a few obscure comments about pricing, online, and -- that's about it. So what we're going to have to rely on is words from developers, E3, and ofcourse, those pesky rumors.
Let's jump first into what most people see as the end all of the system.
Let's see what the developers have to say about it first shall we?
CRYTEK, the developers behind Crysis and the infamous CryEngine have stated that the Wii U's specs are "Very good" in an interview with gameindustry.biz.
FULL QUOTE:"The specs are very good. It's a challenge for designers, but once thought through it can add value, and that's what's ultimately important. Our guys in Nottingham they are very happy with their tests on the dev kits and they're excited about it."
Managing director at Valve, Gabe Newell, speaking to Joystiq, personally stated that the Wii U was "alot more powerfull than the previous generation." ie PS3/360/Wii.
FULL QUOTE:"Wii U seems to be a lot more powerful than the previous generation," he claimed. "It sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it'll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model."
THQ employee sat down with FEDWARS in an interview discussing future videogames and the Wii U compared to the PS3/360.
Here are a few quotes regarding the Wii U:
"Well I would expect the PC versions to be graphically superior over the console versions. And I'm sure the Wii U versions of Darksiders 2 and Metro Last Light will be superior to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions."
"The Wii U is full of potential as far as specs go. I know that Metro: Last Light is running at a good 50-60 fps on the PC, so I'm not sure how the Wii U version will compare to that. But the Wii U version of games from ALL developers and publishers, have potential for much smoother framerates, improved textures, and additional bonus content that the 360/PS3 version's won't have. In a way, buying the Wii U version over the 360/PS3 versions, will be like buying the Blu-ray version of a movie instead of the standard dvd version. You get better visuals, and more additional content with the Wii U version of any game compared to the other console version."
"The Wii U is much more powerful than the other HD consoles, so Wii U doesn't have a huge problem doing 1080p for the majority of its games. Will Darksiders 2 and Metro: Last Light be in 1080p on Wii U? I can't speak for the teams behind those games. I don't work on those specific teams so I can't say what they plan to do with the Wii U versions of their games as far as graphics or content go. I do know based on the specs I've seen, the console is more than capable of graphics that surpass current consoles."
"Expect majority of third party Wii U games from most publishers to have true 1080p, additional content, and smoother framrates than what the PS3/360 versions offer. If you want the DEFINITIVE version of any game in your library, I would suggest either the PC version or the Wii U version...at least for now."
"Listening to people within the company, people are pretty happy with the specs of the Wii U. I don't think anyone has anything to worry about. There is one thing I want to mention though. Better graphics is not all rosey for gamers in the long run. "
EA COO Peter Moore has stated that the Wii U will not be a transitional platform.
FULL QUOTE: "He told IndustryGamers: "People will start talking about the Wii U being a transitional platform. And I don't think that's going to be the case.
"And here's why: the tablet controller is huge. This is not about specs any more... This is about, as it was with the Wii, is the controller a unique way of enjoying a game experience, regardless of what the graphic fidelity is?"
A major factor with the Wii U's success lies within the pricing. Nintendo themselves have been a bit ambiguous on the topic, keeping fairly closed lipped, but they did have some word to say:
"For consumers who want to have the latest gadgets and have a higher disposable income, that's for the Wii U."
"We've been very clear, the market is going to decide how long these products will coexist side by side [Wii and Wii U]. Our goal is to launch the Wii U and drive it into the marketplace, but it will speak to a different consumer than the one that is buying the Wii today during the holidays."
Australian subsidiary of popular videogame retailer Gamestop, which goes by the name EBgames, has published a placeholder price tag for the Wii U. EBgames gave an estimated value of $599 AUD.
As of 18th January 2012 599.0 AUD = 622.214189184 USD. But don't be fazed by this, Australian prices are always significantly higher compared to the US and Europe. For a quick cross reference:
360 launch price in AUS: $649 AUD
360 launch price in US:$399 USD
PS3 launch price in AUS: $999 AUD
PS3 launch price in US: $599 USD
Wii launch price in AUD: $399 AUD
Wii Launch price is US: $249 USD
Nintendo have not gone into too much detail about the Wii U's online Infrastructure, but third party developers such as Ubisoft have confirmed that the Wii U's online infrastructure will abolish Friend-codes and use an account system similar to gamertags.
At Nintendo's E3 2011 conference, EA CEO John Riccitiello spilled some vague comments regarding the Wii U's online infrastructure:
"EA boss revealed the new network will be an "open" platform with all the features you'd come to expect from other consoles, like leaderboards and matchmaking. Nothing more substantial was said."
Rumors are stating that EA is trying to push their online infastructure "Origin" onto the Wii U. ApparentlyEA are "aggressively persuading Nintendo to go Origin-exclusive with Wii U's online so they can gain a competitive advantage over Steam."
Funnily enough, rumors also popped up about Valve trying to push Steam onto Wii U
Nintendo's main atraction towards their new console (As seen by their E3 presentation) seems to be their controller. At E3, Nintendo was keen on showing us the features of their new controller, here's what is included in the new controller:
Some time after E3, some confusion about the consoles ability to support Multiple controllers arose, and it seemed as though the console would only support one controller. Soon later, NOA President Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed that the Wii U will be able to support mutiple Wii U controllers.
And now for the crème de la crème. The Games. As of now (Pre - E3 2012) the Wii U's launch lineup looks exclusive launch lineup looks lackluster at best. Filled with ports of 7th Gen games, the Wii U only has two confirmed launch games from the 8th gen and only one with seen gameplay footage.
TAKE TWO CEO Strauss Zelnick spoke about the posibility of the GTA series on the Wii U, among other Rockstar Titles. There has been no confirmation as of yet to this game.
NOTE: Confirmed 8th Gen means that they are confirmed to only be coming to 8th gen consoles or PC
As you can see with the lists above, only two 8th gen games (one of which is a download only title) is confirmed as a launch title, while 3 other confirmed launch titles are ports from the 7th generation. While the list itself may lookrelatively great, it is unconfirmed that a large number of these games will be available at launch, or even available during the launch window.
For the games that we do know are coming, we have seen gameplay footage of 2 of them using the Wii U controller. Killer Freaks from Outer Space and Ghost Recon Online.
This leads us to another big question:
From developers words, we haven't really heard much, other than a short E3 video interview. Not much credibility can be taken from this video, but here are some key quotes:
EA sports President, Peter Moore said his "mind immediately started racing" when he saw the controller.
Executive Vice president of CORE GAMES, THQ Danny Bilson refered to it as the "Swiss army knife of controllers."
Martin Tremblay, President of WB interactive highlighted "Conectivity, advanced graphics, and engaging interface" when speaking about the Wii U.
EA games president, Frank Gibeau stated that the Wii U will "Revolutionize home consoles."
CEO of UBISOFT entertainment, Yves Guillemont, said "you can just imagine what the multiplayer will be like with 2 screens" when speaking about Assassins creed.
He also stated that "Ghost Recon online will leverage the fantastic connectivity of the new controller."
We've already seen the Wii U's Gameplay of Ghost Recon Online. As you can see with the video, the player is given a large and interactive map at his finger tips. The player is able to tilt the controller to view different angles within the map and is able to set waypoints with the touch of a finger. This idea can also be used to send in reaper drones, air strikes etc all while guiding with finger point accuracy.
The creativity is really boundless. In an IGN article Richard George posted what he thought would be engaging ideas for Batman on the Wii U. It's really worth the read!
Let me know if I missed out anything relevant that should be added!
[Reserved for future updates]
[Reserved for future updates]
Wii U rumors/confirmations all in one place -- Please feel free to add more
Since E3 2011, we haven't really recieved much word from the horse's mouth about the Wii U, infact all we've got was a few obscure comments about pricing, online, and -- that's about it. So what we're going to have to rely on is words from developers, E3, and ofcourse, those pesky rumors.
Let's jump first into what most people see as the end all of the system.
Let's see what the developers have to say about it first shall we?
CRYTEK, the developers behind Crysis and the infamous CryEngine have stated that the Wii U's specs are "Very good" in an interview with gameindustry.biz.
FULL QUOTE:"The specs are very good. It's a challenge for designers, but once thought through it can add value, and that's what's ultimately important. Our guys in Nottingham they are very happy with their tests on the dev kits and they're excited about it."
Managing director at Valve, Gabe Newell, speaking to Joystiq, personally stated that the Wii U was "alot more powerfull than the previous generation." ie PS3/360/Wii.
FULL QUOTE:"Wii U seems to be a lot more powerful than the previous generation," he claimed. "It sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it'll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model."
THQ employee sat down with FEDWARS in an interview discussing future videogames and the Wii U compared to the PS3/360.
Here are a few quotes regarding the Wii U:
"Well I would expect the PC versions to be graphically superior over the console versions. And I'm sure the Wii U versions of Darksiders 2 and Metro Last Light will be superior to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions."
"The Wii U is full of potential as far as specs go. I know that Metro: Last Light is running at a good 50-60 fps on the PC, so I'm not sure how the Wii U version will compare to that. But the Wii U version of games from ALL developers and publishers, have potential for much smoother framerates, improved textures, and additional bonus content that the 360/PS3 version's won't have. In a way, buying the Wii U version over the 360/PS3 versions, will be like buying the Blu-ray version of a movie instead of the standard dvd version. You get better visuals, and more additional content with the Wii U version of any game compared to the other console version."
"The Wii U is much more powerful than the other HD consoles, so Wii U doesn't have a huge problem doing 1080p for the majority of its games. Will Darksiders 2 and Metro: Last Light be in 1080p on Wii U? I can't speak for the teams behind those games. I don't work on those specific teams so I can't say what they plan to do with the Wii U versions of their games as far as graphics or content go. I do know based on the specs I've seen, the console is more than capable of graphics that surpass current consoles."
"Expect majority of third party Wii U games from most publishers to have true 1080p, additional content, and smoother framrates than what the PS3/360 versions offer. If you want the DEFINITIVE version of any game in your library, I would suggest either the PC version or the Wii U version...at least for now."
"Listening to people within the company, people are pretty happy with the specs of the Wii U. I don't think anyone has anything to worry about. There is one thing I want to mention though. Better graphics is not all rosey for gamers in the long run. "
Nintendo told online gaming publication Industry Gamers at this years Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas that third party developers have already received final Wii U development kits.
A major factor with the Wii U's success lies within the pricing. Nintendo themselves have been a bit ambiguous on the topic, keeping fairly closed lipped, but they did have some word to say:
"For consumers who want to have the latest gadgets and have a higher disposable income, that's for the Wii U."
"We've been very clear, the market is going to decide how long these products will coexist side by side [Wii and Wii U]. Our goal is to launch the Wii U and drive it into the marketplace, but it will speak to a different consumer than the one that is buying the Wii today during the holidays."
Australian subsidiary of popular videogame retailer Gamestop, which goes by the name EBgames, has published a placeholder price tag for the Wii U. EBgames gave an estimated value of $599 AUD.
As of 18th January 2012 599.0 AUD = 622.214189184 USD. But don't be fazed by this, Australian prices are always significantly higher compared to the US and Europe. For a quick cross reference:
360 launch price in AUS: $649 AUD
360 launch price in US:$399 USD
PS3 launch price in AUS: $999 AUD
PS3 launch price in US: $599 USD
Wii launch price in AUD: $399 AUD
Wii Launch price is US: $249 USD
Nintendo have not gone into too much detail about the Wii U's online Infrastructure, but third party developers such as Ubisoft have confirmed that the Wii U's online infrastructure will abolish Friend-codes and use an account system similar to gamertags.
At Nintendo's E3 2011 conference, EA CEO John Riccitiello spilled some vague comments regarding the Wii U's online infrastructure:
"EA boss revealed the new network will be an "open" platform with all the features you'd come to expect from other consoles, like leaderboards and matchmaking. Nothing more substantial was said."
Rumors are stating that EA is trying to push their online infastructure "Origin" onto the Wii U. ApparentlyEA are "aggressively persuading Nintendo to go Origin-exclusive with Wii U's online so they can gain a competitive advantage over Steam."
Funnily enough, rumors also popped up about Valve trying to push Steam onto Wii U
Twitter user Joshua_X has recently tweeted the box art for upcoming 3DS title, TheatRythym. The box art clearly shows a Nintendo Network logo in the top corner. I would presume this is a unified structure using an account system which would spread accross to the new Wii U.
Nintendo's main atraction towards their new console (As seen by their E3 presentation) seems to be their controller. At E3, Nintendo was keen on showing us the features of their new controller, here's what is included in the new controller:
Some time after E3, some confusion about the consoles ability to support Multiple controllers arose, and it seemed as though the console would only support one controller. Soon later, NOA President Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed that the Wii U will be able to support mutiple Wii U controllers.
And now for the crème de la crème. The Games. As of now (Pre - E3 2012) the Wii U's launch lineup looks exclusive launch lineup looks lackluster at best. Filled with ports of 7th Gen games, the Wii U only has two confirmed launch games from the 8th gen and only one with seen gameplay footage.
NOTE: Confirmed 8th Gen means that they are confirmed to only be coming to 8th gen consoles or PC
As you can see with the lists above, only two 8th gen games (one of which is a download only title) is confirmed as a launch title, while 3 other confirmed launch titles are ports from the 7th generation. While the list itself may lookrelatively great, it is unconfirmed that a large number of these games will be available at launch, or even available during the launch window.
For the games that we do know are coming, we have seen gameplay footage of 2 of them using the Wii U controller. Killer Freaks from Outer Space and Ghost Recon Online.
This leads us to another big question:
From developers words, we haven't really heard much, other than a short E3 video interview. Not much credibility can be taken from this video, but here are some key quotes:
EA sports President, Peter Moore said his "mind immediately started racing" when he saw the controller.
Executive Vice president of CORE GAMES, THQ Danny Bilson refered to it as the "Swiss army knife of controllers."
Martin Tremblay, President of WB interactive highlighted "Conectivity, advanced graphics, and engaging interface" when speaking about the Wii U.
EA games president, Frank Gibeau stated that the Wii U will "Revolutionize home consoles."
CEO of UBISOFT entertainment, Yves Guillemont, said "you can just imagine what the multiplayer will be like with [2] screens" when speaking about Assassins creed.
He also stated that "Ghost Recon online will leverage the fantastic connectivity of the new controller."
We've already seen the Wii U's Gameplay of Ghost Recon Online. As you can see with the video, the player is given a large and interactive map at his finger tips. The player is able to tilt the controller to view different angles within the map and is able to set waypoints with the touch of a finger. This idea can also be used to send in reaper drones, air strikes etc all while guiding with finger point accuracy.
The creativity is really boundless. In an IGN article Richard George posted what he thought would be engaging ideas for Batman on the Wii U. It's really worth the read! Copy the link below. #Glitchspot
I'll try to update this as soon as I get more info! Let me know if I missed out anything relevant that should be added!
Last Updated: 1/19/2012 AEST
It really beats me... The Wii U was virtually non existent since a month after E3 2011, but this year the momentum has really picked up quite a bit.
It would be cool if I could scan my face for character creation modes. :P
I absolutely need download-able GCN titles, so many are so hard to find these days. Why oh why did I sell them? :cry:
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