We still have maybe a year or so until it is released, so i think it is safe to say there may be changes to all aspects of the console.
Let's get the most obvious one out of the way. THE NAME! I'm not a massive fan of the name, i'd rather they make a name completley different from anything they previously had. Some may think that this wont happen, but due to all themisconceptions the reveal caused, such as "Is this just an add on for the Wii?" and even negative comments such as "TROLOLOLOL, what an epic fayul name, bro this is so kiddy," there is still hope for a name change. And not only that, didn't Iwata say a while back that the reason the 3DS is not selling as well as it was expected to was due to it being too similar in look and name to the current DS? So if they stand by this, they would want to make it completely different from the Wii, that means changing the name of it AND the console design.
Another thing, alot of people are saying that the circle pads should be replaced with analog thumb sticks. I for one dissagree. I think the circle pads add more of an ergonomic feel. i'd rather have them then two sticking out about an inch high, especially on a controller that big.
Now for the size of the controller, I am happy with the current size, the touch screen looks just about right to match with the lenght you would hold the controller from your body while playing, in comparison to the TV screen. A 6.2 inch screen seems perfect.
Some People are also saying that it should support multi-touch, I dissagree. Having a controller that is supossed to be used in conjunction with the TV screen will probably not even use a multi-touch function.
Anything else...
D4W1L4H's forum posts
River City Ransom in the style of saints row. But make it funny. Sort of like rockstars' 'Bully,' you shouldn't be able to kill anyone, or see any blood, just knock em' out. Make it as though you're a highschool senior, and instead of trying to rescue you're girlfriend, you're trying to get laid. So it sort of follows the life of someone like Travis from 'No more heroes.'
Make missions like, having to get you're drivers licence, getting a part-time job, joining the football team, etc.
As for fighting moves, make them slightly obscure, like a 'testicle grab and squezze.' lol
Maybe, but pretty much every hardcore Wii gamer already has a high powered console, (PS3 - 360) I'm a Nintendo fan, and i have a PS3 and a 360. And most Nintendo fans already have at least one of these. But as soon as the new Nintendo system comes out, i'll be first in line to buy it. Probably play that more than my Wii, which will mean more than my PS3, or my practically untouched 360. (they'll be in the garage with all of my other consoles) The casual Wii owners will most likely Stick to their Wii until better game lineups come, like Zelda, Mario, Metroid, No more Heroes, etc. Then they will upgrade to a Wii2 (or SNES2). Most casual gamers aren't frag heads, and the PS3 and 360 are know to be competing with each other in the FPS margin, Nintendo changed its focus from hardcore gamers to pretty much everyone to expand its fan base (pretty smart move). And pretty much no one else is a FPS fan other than PS3 and 360 owners (the self proclaimed hardcore gamers). Plus, Nintendo will be sure to make it backwards compatible, so this means that the Wii-motes can be used with the new Nintendo system. This means no motion control fan will be left in the dust. They'll also (if they're smart, which i know they are) release new motion control games. So it'll be two consoles in one. But seriously, If MS and Sony Don't release their systems within a year after Nintendo have, it'll be pretty suicidal. If they wait 2-3 years, Nintendo will already have pretty amazing game lineups from third party support, let alone price drops. Current 360 and PS3 owners (who aren't single minded fan-boys who find it necessary to bash every other console) will most likely buy a Wii2. In all honesty, i'm pretty sure MS and Sony have already been planning a new console for years, that would be the smart thing to do. What if the Wii2 just ends up getting a bunch of 360/PS3 multiplats? Third party exclusivity barely even exists anymore on today's high-powered consoles, given the development costs of making big budget exclusive games. In fact, one of Cafe's rumored big features is easy 360 portability. There are many reasons beyond fanboyism why current 360/PS3 may end up not jumping over to the Wii2. We have to wait and see what it really even offers ($$/value), for one thing... I doubt Third party's will create games for the 360 and PS3 along with the new Nintendo system. I'm nearly 100% sure Nintendo will come out with another innovation for the gaming world. So until Sony and MS quickly take that idea and incorporate it into their system, well, you be the judge. It'll be just like the NES coming out with the D-pad, SNES coming out with the shoulder buttons, and N64 coming out with an analog stick. Now, Apparently Nintendo is coming out with a touch screen on the controller, this could open a new door, like a display of health bars, ammo, items, map etc. And that's not even confirmed yet, it could be anything. When developers see this Innovation, they'll quickly come out with ways to utilize this new innovation. In ways that the PS3 and 360 cant achieve yet, that's what Nintendo is known for. You couldn't play a motion control game on anything else other than the Wii up until the PS-move. Nintendo never keeps milking the same thing, it always comes out with something new,and its competitors always seem to copy it.[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"][QUOTE="momentum_god"]
When the next nintendo console comes out alot of people are going to be looking to upgrade since wii will be far less supportive, now when they start looking at what to upgrade to there will be two obvious choices (360 is kinda out of the running with it's crappy line up) and if Sony throws alot of good games at the ps3 at that time and starts advertising it might significantly boost ps3 sales from wii only owners
Maybe, but pretty much every hardcore Wii gamer already has a high powered console, (PS3 - 360) I'm a Nintendo fan, and i have a PS3 and a 360. And most Nintendo fans already have at least one of these. But as soon as the new Nintendo system comes out, i'll be first in line to buy it. Probably play that more than my Wii, which will mean more than my PS3, or my practically untouched 360. (they'll be in the garage with all of my other consoles) The casual Wii owners will most likely Stick to their Wii until better game lineups come, like Zelda, Mario, Metroid, No more Heroes, etc. Then they will upgrade to a Wii2 (or SNES2). Most casual gamers aren't frag heads, and the PS3 and 360 are know to be competing with each other in the FPS margin, Nintendo changed its focus from hardcore gamers to pretty much everyone to expand its fan base (pretty smart move). And pretty much no one else is a FPS fan other than PS3 and 360 owners (the self proclaimed hardcore gamers). Plus, Nintendo will be sure to make it backwards compatible, so this means that the Wii-motes can be used with the new Nintendo system. This means no motion control fan will be left in the dust. They'll also (if they're smart, which i know they are) release new motion control games. So it'll be two consoles in one. But seriously, If MS and Sony Don't release their systems within a year after Nintendo have, it'll be pretty suicidal. If they wait 2-3 years, Nintendo will already have pretty amazing game lineups from third party support, let alone price drops. Current 360 and PS3 owners (who aren't single minded fan-boys who find it necessary to bash every other console) will most likely buy a Wii2. In all honesty, i'm pretty sure MS and Sony have already been planning a new console for years, that would be the smart thing to do.When the next nintendo console comes out alot of people are going to be looking to upgrade since wii will be far less supportive, now when they start looking at what to upgrade to there will be two obvious choices (360 is kinda out of the running with it's crappy line up) and if Sony throws alot of good games at the ps3 at that time and starts advertising it might significantly boost ps3 sales from wii only owners
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