@prnjsn: Mithra and Galka were gender locked in FFXI, long before FFXIV was even a conception.
Blaming the wrong game!
Besides, 98% of catgirls and fem hulks are dudes intentionally playing them anyway, notably for e-sex with other dudes playing girls. And male cats are usually gay guys, or actual girls. Funny that..
@blagnarok: Reddit posts like that are made by people who actually do investigation and share it on a platform that's easy to access and allows literally anyone to comment on it.
Leave the most populated and widely accepted platform on PC to go to a platform that's YAL (yet another launcher) and a tiny fraction of Steam's userbase.
Makes sense.
These devs have been doing nothing but killing their own game; with their ineptitude in both development and now apparently PR.
DAOWAce's comments