As are consoles having more CPU cores.. hopefully. Would again force developers into DX12/Vulkan and proper multi-core/threading support for titles, resulting in good leverage of hardware we've had for over a decade, improving games as a whole, even console ported crap.
Still worry about longevity though. GPU is always the weak sauce with consoles, and there's really no point to having consoles anymore when it's just PC hardware now. But oh well, the industry will be the industry..
Monster Hunter World port was atrocious. And it took 6 months to come to PC because they were going to "get it right".
^More on MT Framework games; the engine has gotten worse and worse and worse in terms of PC support over the years. Lost Planet had its issues, sure, but it was WORLDS above the ports of modern MT Framework games. I made a satirical review about it here:
Resident evil ports have always been poor. RE7/RE2RE were better, but still plagued by negative mouse acceleration (and broken DX12 in the latter).
Fighting game ports I can let slide because they're designed around 60FPS timesteps, but still lack support for anything but 16:9 resolutions and have other odd issues.
DMC5? I've not played a single DMC game since the PS2 era and haven't looked them up, can't say, but I do seem to recall complaints about it.
There's surely much more, but this is all I thought of on a whim.
Maybe if you're a total generic 16:9 60hz xbox controller user you're fine with their ports. If you're an enthusiast PC gamer; they're anything but good.
Wasn't able to post comments for a number of days, gamespot and their errors..
@Thanatos2k: Monster Hunter World port was atrocious. And it took 6 months to come to PC because they were going to "get it right".
^More on MT Framework games; the engine has gotten worse and worse and worse in terms of PC support over the years. Lost Planet had its issues, sure, but it was WORLDS above the ports of modern MT Framework games. I made a satirical review about it here:
Resident evil ports have always been poor. RE7/RE2RE were better, but still plagued by negative mouse acceleration (and broken DX12 in the latter).
Fighting game ports I can let slide because they're designed around 60FPS timesteps, but still lack support for anything but 16:9 resolutions and have other odd issues.
DMC5? I've not played a single DMC game since the PS2 era and haven't looked them up, can't say, but I do seem to recall complaints about it.
There's surely much more, but this is all I thought of on a whim.
Maybe if you're a total generic 16:9 60hz xbox controller user you're fine with their ports. If you're an enthusiast PC gamer; they're anything but good.
@sebb: Timed exclusives at most, sure, but definitely not full on lifetime exclusives.
And, consoles existence nowadays is.. really because they make microsoft/sony/nintendo money. They're so similar to PC hardware now that there's really no reason for them to exist beyond the fact it makes the companies money, and that they're much cheaper to buy for a consumer, especially for ones that don't know anything about hardware/technology. In the long run a console will cost more (game prices, online service fees), but they're a cheaper system to buy for 'good enough' gaming for the non-tech savvy.
In the past they were superior to PCs and the -main- way to play games. But in modern times? Really, they've just held back game quality...
I get exclusives can sell consoles and stuff, but the primary issue with exclusives is that it screws over countless numbers of people who can't afford to buy a new console just to play a game they're interested in.
Everything should be multi-platform in this day and age. Everything.
DAOWAce's comments