Well, if that wording is to be believed, this is going to completely change almost every F2P game (and even some p2p) on the market, as they include "ease of progression" things.
The term I've been using for those is "pay to skip", since you're not paying for raw power like you would in a "pay to win" type game, but if the bill calls them "pay to win", who am I to argue? :p
No "pay to win" and no lootboxes in games = every consumer better off, and games are designed less morally bankrupt as a result. Stop the early access/beta crap full of microtransactions/"games as a service" and go back to releasing full fledged QUALITY games like we had growing up.
@vakiva: They're slowly learning the PC audience is massive. FROM learned this, SEGA learned this.. slowly many Japanese companies are all learning this.
Sadly instead of outsourcing ports to companies who actually know how to port, they try to do it themselves and despite using a PC to make the games, they can't even get basic things like mouse support working properly.
Even after multiple game releases there's still stuff wrong. I don't understand it.
@Barighm: It's just baffling to me that most of them can't even get something basic like mouse support working. I just don't understand how you can screw up having a mouse function like a mouse.
They use computers to create the games FFS. If ANY of the developers QA tested it, it wouldn't pass, unless their brain isn't functioning.
Platinum used to be a damn good development studio.. but they've had some pretty poor releases over the last number of years. Lack of support for said titles notwithstanding (hello NieR: Automata not getting any patch ever on PC when it's broken at its core).
If this failure helped them get back on track and improve themselves, then, well, I'm all for it. Game cancellations always suck.. but sometimes they're a better alternative than another Anthem.
"but the network test for the game is only going live on consoles."
Would've been nice if this was stated in the title for us PC folk wasting our time and effort attempting to sign up. Y'know, just a simple (Xbox/PS4 only) on the end.
DAOWAce's comments