I tried out Netflix again after 3-4 years of canceling the service.
They were still missing dozens, if not hundreds, of movies or shows I wanted to watch.
Ontop of that, they split the service to digital OR DVD, and there was a bunch of stuff that was DVD-only for some asinine reason, including later seasons of shows that were streamable. So, if you wanted to watch it, you had to subscribe to the DVD service ontop of the streaming service, paying an even more ludicrous price.
And ontop of that, they were charging more for watching in higher quality, up to 4K, which didn't work on PC for some asinine reason (limited to 720p).
And now here we are with them increasing the price yet again.
I've wanted to get back into Hawken for years now.. never did, and now I will never be able to.
Well, RIP. Was an enjoyable fast paced mech combat game. Maybe it can come back with a single player campaign to entice the folks who didn't want to play a multiplayer pvp game.. which I'm part of nowadays (especially after a wrist injury).
Lawbreakers released too early, was a buy to play multiplayer fps, and is published by Nexon, one of the worst F2P publishing companies in NA (well known for their pay to win microtransactions in all their games).
I mean, it being hosted by Nexon alone was probably enough to turn thousands away. The rest were turned off by being forced to buy it.
Battleborn should've been enough warning to companies to avoid B2P multiplayer only games unless you're a giant company (EA/Blizzard). Apparently not.
Considering they were all "omg 4k textures", I wouldn't be surprised if it's over 100GB.
And I wouldn't care, because I'm sick of games being scaled down and looking a lot worse than their developmental versions just so they run on lower end hardware. So many developers don't even bother looking to the future and just castrate their game; really depressing. Why they don't use the options menu for, y'know, options, is beyond me.
So if it's 170GB, I'll willingly accept it knowing that the game looks much better than it would otherwise.. as per texture resolution anyway. (Could just add hi-res DLC for it too for those that want it, saving space)
DAOWAce's comments