@RSM-HQ: As a kid nothing but the game itself mattered. I could play things that ran near 10FPS at low resolution with awful controls and UI and didn't care, because I was playing a game, and games were incredible.
As an adult, and specifically PC gamer, the technical aspect of things has become a damn near requirement in order to even play a game, especially as I use a "non-standard" setup, aka 21:9 monitor, and some developers STILL don't support it despite the monitors being available for over 5 years now.
Framerate just happens to be one of the things that is impossible to compromise on in order to play a game. I can't tolerate lower than about 45; the image becomes too unpleasant and the controls become too delayed. 30FPS is passable for something like a card game or visual novel whatever, but if there's anything that requires any sort of reaction time or a lot of visual movement, it's basically unplayable. My monitor is 75Hz and the difference between 60/75 is VERY noticeable, even on the windows desktop. I can sense framerate drops around 72FPS, and things get noticeably worse the lower it goes from there. I can only wonder what it would be like if I had a 120+Hz monitor..
And then there's FoV.. if the FoV is too low I get motion sick. This is critical to first person games, but also affects me in third person ones too. I'm about 70/85 requirement between TPS/FPS in order to not suffer negative effects. I prefer 80/95.
I wish I could go back to my childhood self and enjoy things other people can, but that's just impossible. It's made me miss out on games I really wanted to play, and yes, I have tried to play them, but I just can't.
@RSM-HQ: I've thought about buying old cheap consoles to play exclusives that have never come to PC, but then I remember most of them are sub 720p and 30FPS and snap back to my senses.
Unless I can emulate something, I'm stuck waiting for a PC release.
@beantownsean: Aside from completely broken MSAA, no non-16:9 support, graphical issues at high resolutions, 30 FPS cutscenes and so-so KB/M controls, sure, the port was pretty average technically.
The whole broken steamworks integration causing huge framerate/stuttering issues didn't help matters though. Game still hasn't been patched to resolve any of these things... similar to Nier, funny that.
@lostn: That's why regional servers exist. (And this applies to much more than just action combat MMOs; notably FPS, RTS, MOBAs, etc.)
Some companies, like Daum (Kakao), forget that, and as such severely hamper their game (Black Desert) for anyone not located around the servers.
There's plenty of other MMOs with action combat out there, but I can't be arsed to type them out right now (especially not with a damaged wrist). Should be some lists you can find online.
If by "natural" they mean changed it to full on action combat, then the game is worthy of playing after all these years.
If it's still target based garbage (even akin to Neverwinter) there's still no reason to play it. Well, unless you're a new gamer and didn't grow up with auto-attack, hotkey based MMOs (like WoW) for decades. For me it's action combat or bust, and has been for almost 7 years.
No, will affect. Will negatively affect ALL CONSUMERS who use the internet, notably in the United States. And this isn't the only atrocious thing that's happening; it's just one of many.
Trump is the worst possible person to have ever been elected president and I cannot believe things turned out the way they did.
If you voted for Trump, how badly do you regret your decision now?
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