I do hope what they said about it is true and that it's just a simple test and will be dramatically different by the time the final product is out.. as it does not look very good at all.
@esqueejy: Wanting a pleasant experience isn't being an egomaniac, arrogant or any other derogatory term you can think of.
If you enjoy 720p30 games, good, I'm happy for you. I wish I did too, because then I'd get to experience a lot of games out there I've never been able to.
But I can't tolerate things below a certain framerate, and MODERN consoles, barring certain games, cannot provide that experience.. which is a joke when you consider consoles 20+ years old ran games at 60FPS, before most people even learned what framerate was.
Woe is the recent console industry that we have even had to had this "framerate debate" over the last decade or so.
@sellingthings: I'm an IT consultant; I know what I'm talking about, and "low-level access" or any other platform specific optimization was never part of my comment. Don't assume ignorance just because someone leaves a quick throwaway post on a news article.
DAOWAce's comments