JA2 is a game I first played on a PC Gamer demo disc.
Was one of the most memorable games I played from back then.. and I haven't played it since the early 2000's.
Would welcome a new JA game that isn't garbage. Heck they could just remake JA2 with support for modern standards and things would be just fine. Tried to start it up just now and it well, doesn't even work and borked my desktop a bit. Seems like it needs fan patches to even work properly, ugh.
I get motion sick easily if the camera in a game is too violent, close, swooshy, accelerated, or if the FoV is too low, even in 3rd person games. Heck some sidescrollers with certain cameras can make me sick.
..and I get motion sick IRL from all the same things and probably more!
And medical science still hasn't figured out how to do anything but prescribe drugs that only treat symptoms, and not even that well.
Of course Blizzard won't support Ultrawide, still. They're the kings of refusing support because "it's cheating!!" when all other companies provide it, even in their competitive games.
Diablo 3 didn't officially support it (worked in borderless), Starcraft 2 had it disabled early on, Overwatch had it disabled for launch, SC remastered doesn't support it despite supporting widescreen like D2 remastered, Hearthstone doesn't matter.
World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3 updated (before reforged), and Heroes of the Storm (same engine as SC2) all support Ultrawide just fine. WoW even supports 32:9 and multi-mon.
I don't know what's wrong with their different game leads, but the ones that refuse to support arbitrary resolutions continue to show how ignorant they are. Maybe in this case they have a legitimate technical reason for it and they're at least supporting wider-than-16:9 to a point, but they could y'know, improve how the game functions since they have access to the source code.
But oh well, I have no plans to buy it anyway.
Overwatch 2 will probably go the same route as Overwatch 1 with Kaplan's "21:9 is cheating!!" wall. Not that they'll have anywhere near the same audience with how awful the company's become. I still regret buying it.
Suppose I'm glad I didn't jump to a 32:9 monitor by now.. god forbid being in that speck of a %.
So this is why they haven't been selling founders cards for over a month?
Because no way AIB's would sell at MSRP, unless it's their "MSRP" which is already pre-scalped.
Closest store is an hour long drive on a highway, and I'm not camping outside, so back to waiting until the next GPU generation launch to even be able to obtain the current generation..
Really wonder what his genuine opinion of the game will be, vs his personality's opinion.. unless they're actually the same thing at this point.
In other news, it's quite a surprising situation where I've effectively quit FFXIV after playing for 2 years straight and have zero interest in the next expansion, and now tons of big WoW people are switching over to it and it's gaining even more popularity. I really hope Endwalker drastically improves many aspects of the game, as if it's just more of the same, I can't see myself ever going back.
Honestly, I'd like a "FFXIV Classic". 1.0 got a bad rep for being released unfinished (typical JP corp out of touch with the rest of the world); but if you wanted a game completely different from other MMORPGs on the market at the time, boy was it a good foundation. Sad that it never got to bloom.
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