The defining characteristic of games is that you can interact with the medium, doing things not possible in traditional media like movies.
Restricting the game to simple decisions that playout in a cutscene, scripted sequence or otherwise non-interactive way is the opposite of what the medium is designed for.
Having the player create their own story through gameplay, or experience it through gameplay (ex: Brothers), is the reason why games are games, and is needless to say the best thing about them.
..something not allowed in the US because it lets people actually heal instead of sit disabled and on drugs and rehab therapy for the rest of their life.
I personally couldn't give a damn about it; but I'm someone who didn't like TF2.. let alone play any competitive FPS.
Tribes is the only thing that really appealed to me (and had a much higher skill ceiling than every other FPS, funny that); and Hi-Rez ruined its revival, so there's no hope for the future!
@ExtremePhobia: What TwinStripe said; it's being referred to as a beta but it's nothing more than a demo; a 5 day demo without any way to continue playing the 'demo' after the 'beta' ends.
If it was a real demo, it would be available forever.
If it was a real beta, we'd be able to play (read: test) all the modes and maps.
EA and/or Dice don't understand what Beta (or Demo) means.
DAOWAce's comments