I've put hundreds of hours into Diablo 3. It is trash outside of its combat. There is no depth, no complexity. It's gotten even worse (dumbed down) with the revamped loot in 2.0 and the extreme reliance on sets to even be competitive. Unique items aren't unique, they just have a special effect attached to their random rolls.
I still have Diablo 2 installed, I still have active characters, and I still play it through all over again once every few years. It is timeless, and still so much better than Diablo 3.
Conversely, Path of Exile, which I consider Diablo 2.5, is also far better than Diablo 3, and even Diablo 2 in terms of depth, complexity and content.
Diablo 3 wins in combat feel and ease of playability out of any ARPG I've played. That is the sole reason I've even played it after reaching cap. It falls on its face in every other aspect.
@Ryusui: Don't forget 21:9 and wider (multi-monitor)! I've been on a 21:9 display for the last year; still new games fail to support the resolution, it's mind bogglingly disappointing.
I have a 21:9 monitor right now; don't give a damn about 4K on PC unless it's downsampled to a resolution that actually lets text not require eagle vision.
DAOWAce's comments