Sorry but you DO have a right to be kept alive by the service of others. Thats not just the duty of a doctor but the duty of you as a human being. If you left someone dying and said "its not my duty" you would get into trouble with the police.
Think of it this way, 2 children born in 2 different families. One is flat out broke the other very wealthy. Why should one child be entitled to life saving medical care and the other not? Neither has done anything in their life yet to deserve or not deserve care. Thats the point here.
There are minimum things everyone should be entitled to in a modern western country and those are things like civil liberty protection, education and healthcare. Those are the basics and should not have to be paid for in a commercial sense. I recently was made redundant, in your country it would seem over night my children would have become less deserving of health care, right? Don't you see the absurdity of it?
I could live with one kidney and I am sure that one of my kidneys could be used by a person in need. Your reasoning leads to the assumption that I am required to give up said kidney and not doing so renders me as a heartless person. Do you see the absurdity in that?
"Entitled" is a word that I have a large distaste in hearing. It signifies ownership of that which is not honestley earned.
When dealing with children, it is always difficult to say no (Won't somebody think of the children!?) . However parents must accept all of the responsibilities of having children. As harsh as it sounds, children are a great burden in many regards (albeit one that most seemingly will gladly accept).
If civil liberty, education, and healthcare are basic to life, they should be the focus of the most successful and efficient system available and not the most inefficient i.e. government. Government should be there to protect these rights, not to provide them.
I'm talking about children, not their parents taking responsibility...does one child deserve healthcare over another, its a yes or no question!
If no, then an equal system needs to be in place.
Good parents, bad parents, its not the child's fault it should have the same minimum healthcare. I've seen your type of attitude before, let me guess, poor people are poor because they like it, right?
Oh and entitlement, yes you are entitled to life and good health, this is not something that needs to be earned. This is not something that is an optional extra, a priviledge, it is something everyone needs. You can still have your personal wealth, cars, houses, maids etc but healthcare should be free, as should education.
and like I have mentioned in a previous post, when it comes to the NHS, there is huge media attention when it comes to the running and efficiency of the NHS. Its a constant battle ground for politicians, its a vote winner and vote loser and so there is trumendous pressure for it to be run right. This isn't the post office, this is peoples lives and apart from law and order and education one of the most hotly contended areas in British politics.
It is as efficient as possible without comprimising quality, the private sector as I know is very good at efficiency but quite often at the expense of fairness and quality.
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