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Expand a highly expensive program that is rife with ineffciencies bankrupting this country? What kind of logic is that?


The biggest problem with medicare isn't with medicare itself - it is the incredibly inefficient health care system that it is engulfed in that is the problem. You look at countries with single-payer, and they pay about half as much as we do per capita.

I agree with the first half. My view is that the government is responsible for those inefficiencies.

As it is right now, our system is close to the worst of both worlds. Comparisons to single-payer and actual free markets are difficult due to the abuse of both government and private companies.

Sorry but you DO have a right to be kept alive by the service of others. Thats not just the duty of a doctor but the duty of you as a human being. If you left someone dying and said "its not my duty" you would get into trouble with the police.

Think of it this way, 2 children born in 2 different families. One is flat out broke the other very wealthy. Why should one child be entitled to life saving medical care and the other not? Neither has done anything in their life yet to deserve or not deserve care. Thats the point here.

There are minimum things everyone should be entitled to in a modern western country and those are things like civil liberty protection, education and healthcare. Those are the basics and should not have to be paid for in a commercial sense. I recently was made redundant, in your country it would seem over night my children would have become less deserving of health care, right? Don't you see the absurdity of it?

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I hate level scaling, you never get the sense you're becoming powerful. I love it when I can go back to an enermy that owned me in the beginning and kick his backside. Its half the fun.

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Why does everyone always compare the processors in both consoles? The visuals are much more dependant on the GPU!

Putting the audio to one side, there is no single effect in Uncharted 2 that has not already been done on the 360. Depth of field, high resolution textures, normal/bump mapping, HDR, bloom, dynamic lighting you name it. We all know the 360 is capable of pushing just as many polys and has similar restraints with the GPU handling textures, in fact isn't the RSX known for stalling during pixel shader calls?

Animation for a small number of objects on screen is nothing difficult for either console to render, its much more dependant on the time and effort put in by the 3d artist and motion capture animators! Also, the physics and destruction in Uncharted 2 are no more advanced than many other 360 games. Heck, before going on to physics, why not compare the soft-body physics that Gears 2 did?

Some of you cows should check out PC games once in a while, now thats what you call a difference. Much higher resolution textures, large open environments with full HDR, tons of enemies on screen and massively higher levels of AA, AF.


I agree,the graphics on the Gears of War 2 look better from the Uncharted 2.

I'm not actually saying Gears 2 is better looking but none of these games have big differences from a technical point of view. They are always similar in scale, resolution, use of textures etc.

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Why does everyone always compare the processors in both consoles? The visuals are much more dependant on the GPU!

Putting the audio to one side, there is no single effect in Uncharted 2 that has not already been done on the 360. Depth of field, high resolution textures, normal/bump mapping, HDR, bloom, dynamic lighting you name it. We all know the 360 is capable of pushing just as many polys and has similar restraints with the GPU handling textures, in fact isn't the RSX known for stalling during pixel shader calls?

Animation for a small number of objects on screen is nothing difficult for either console to render, its much more dependant on the time and effort put in by the 3d artist and motion capture animators! Also, the physics and destruction in Uncharted 2 are no more advanced than many other 360 games. Heck, before going on to physics, why not compare the soft-body physics that Gears 2 did?

Some of you cows should check out PC games once in a while, now thats what you call a difference. Much higher resolution textures, large open environments with full HDR, tons of enemies on screen and massively higher levels of AA, AF.

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I've gopt Facebook and Twitter on my PC, on my laptop and I can access it via my phone through the web-browser or the Facebook app!! Same with Twitter. I can access them on my Wii for crying out loud...lol.

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Do you base this on anything?


Generally speaking, the arguments against the government providing a good or service are valid - the government is not accountable to stockholders, nor must they care about maximizing profit, so they have no incentive to be streamlined and cost-effective. For any standard good or service that is unessential and where no one thinks it wrong for someone not to be able to receive it, the private industry is always better than the government at providing such a good or service.

The waters start to get murkier, however, when you come across a good or service that is absolutely vital to the general population's livelihood, and where the motive of maximal profits does not produce an outcome in congruence with what is defined to be the optimal service received by the population at large. That's generally where the government must step in, either by directly providing it or by footing the bill for those who can't pay for it.

Wait, you think a government wouldn't care about maximizing profit? A GOVERNMENT!? Maybe not the american, but the Canadian government constantly looks for ways to save money. I don't believe that argument, the government would no doubt try their hardest to make the best healthcare as far as COST goes, don't believe anyone who says otherwise. The private sector might be better, but a public system would still work. And when people say the Canadian healthcare system is awful, *cough, cough, Fox news cough, cough* this is not because it is public. Well it is, but in a different way. A lot of highly trained doctors and nurses are moving to the states to make more money, and I believe that we have had some bad management in our system. We used to have one of the greatest healthcare systems in the world according to the WHO, but now we're just barely ahead of the USA! Ouch. Public healthcare would work, but america doesn't seem to like wanting to take care of the lower class to me.

Well put. Here in the UK, the NHS is very much accountable not to share holders but to voters. Politically, the NHS is a vote winner or loser. Screw it up for people, make it run inefficiently and you'll lose votes. Infact, the NHS and healthcare is constantly one of the areas government are highly criticised over, pressure comes from both sides from patients (voters!)wanting the best possible servicewhile keeping within budget and maintaining the service for everyone. Managers are always under-fire for the slight possibilityof wasting resources and tax payers money. There literally isn't any room within the NHS to be slack and rightly so.

Trust me, our media are always scrutinising the NHS and in turn so are voters, there is immense pressure to be cost effective!!

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I think now that they have nhs all the grocery stores should give away all their food for free. I'm sure there are starving people in Canada who can afford food but would rather someone else paid for it.:roll:


Healthcare and Education and Law and Order are the minimum a government should provide. Your analogy is just lame, sorry.

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We like are healthcare system so much that Winston Churchill lost an election because He didn't support it.

It has its flaws but it works very well... I've experienced both the NHS and American health systems (I got lyme disease in a long stay in NY state) and can Honestly say the diffrence is almost non-existant definatly not something I would pay as much as Americans currently have to pay in insurance when comapred to the NHS.

But the NHS needs reform its the same as it was in 1947 whilst society has changed, But its on the list of goverment priorities to fix .... If only people would stop letting Labour in and voted Liberal.

I also don't see why Americans are so opposed to socialism.... It's been very effective in Western Europe.

Also to the guy who says Healthcare isn't a right, Under your argument Eithers Education.


Exactly, I recently pulled my hamstring playing rugby. (Its also not very long ago I was made redundant) I Called the doctor the following morning and saw her the same day. She prescribed some anti-inflamatories and gave me some guidance on good warm up techniques. It got worse so, a week later, I called up again and asked to see her again and again, the same day I was in. The muscle had bled and bruising had come out, she offered to book me in to see a physio but luckily enough my club had offered the services of the club physio.

The point is, I can call the doctors in the morning and go see them the same day. If I needed to see a specialist, they refer me on. There are times when you will be put onto a waiting list but most people go their entire lifetime happy with the service. I actually think we take it somewhat for granted in the UK. Healthcare from my experience is something I do not worry about, its taken care of no matter what.

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I didnt like the end. Why if the apes have made it back to earth have exactly the same police uniforms, cities and monuments as humans? I mean lets assume they over threw humans by force, its just seems daft they would emulate our lives exactly. Wouldn't they develop their own society, culture etc? Silly ending imho.


You misunderstood the ending totally. There was a paradox in the time travel. During the process, one of the guys who died was actually the ancestor of the person who invented the razor-blade. Hense why everyone was so hairy at the end.

Riiggght *facepalm* silly me lol. It makes perfect sense now, thanks. Thats why they were arresting him then, he must look really bizarre with no hair.

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2. the US has enough nuclear weapons to blow up the entire world a thousand times over


That's so ridiculously wrong, you have no idea. This is for all of you who think that America has the firepower to destroy Europe, let alone the world.

Thats a bit of an over-simplification with numbers. It seems that this assumes an even population density distributed throughout areas humans inhabit. Even within, human populated areas, the majority of us humans live within densely populated cities, surrounded by sparesly populated country-side. So while the total area populated by humans is much greater than the combined cumulative area that all the worlds nukes would effect, it doesnt really present an accurate picture of how much an effect could have on casualties. Add to this, the cumulative effect of irradiated land, fallout, damaged/contaminated water supply. There is potential with the worlds existing arsenal to deal quite a deathblow to humanity.