[QUOTE="BoloTheGreat"] The gameplay on the singleplayer is mindblowing though, you are not one of those blinded consoleites that goes "Waahh! Crysis was teh boring! Waaah!" Becuase it was praised accross the board for a reason, it is a freaking awesome game no matter what settings you play it on.
Crysis wars isn't as bad as people try and make out either, costom map are great fun and the community keeps on thrwoing up endless new things like mods, maps, even whole campaigns so i don't see how it has "Little re-playability".
The game plays through in an almost unique way every time, i recently watch a freind play some of it (who incedentally has barely played any PC games) and he swipes up a precision rife i didn't even know was there and starts head-shoting dudes. It's a great game for any shooter fan, infact just a couple of days ago I hosted a BBQ and before hand a few of the guys had a go on Crysis, the responce from a PS3/ KZ2 owner was at first "Narrr no game can look better than KZ" Which proply changed to "JESUS WEPT!!" :P
Also the game has north Koreans, Nanosuits and alines, how can you fault that?!
I know I love this ignorant argument. It's basically "she's pretty, blonde and has a big chest...she must not be very bright!"
Crysis looks so good it MUST have bad gameplay :roll:
That analogy is based on the assumption that the only people who didn't like Crysis are the ones who haven't played it, which is obviously false...not to mention the fact it more highlights your ignorance towards the opinions of people who did play it and didn't like it. Not that I'm defending the TCs somewhat warped opinion, but there does seem to be a general consensus amongst PC gamers on this board that if you didn't enjoy Crysis then you're obviously just a consolite who doesn't know how to play it properly. Whether that's true or not still won't change the fact that all these tiresome threads always end up with people being insulted because their opinions don't align with other peoples opinions.
My ignorance to other peoples opinions...eh?
I'm simply pointing out, albeit in a sarcastic way that many people (not all) assume the game has nice graphics but terrible gameplay. You see such posts all the time, you know the one-line retorts that are common in every Crysis thread lol.
Now with that said, I'm in no way dismissing those who have played the game and are critical of the gameplay, but to arbitarily declare the game has bad gameplay without any kind of objective argumentis the real ignorance here, right?
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