Does anyone remember that head-tracking demo using the Wiimote? This technology would be perfect for that as it is ALREADY tracking body movements. You could still play the shooter with a normal controller but imagine being able to lean left or right to get a different view.
I think many of you are assuming this tech has to be used on its own...it doesnt. I dont think this tech is going to appeal to really competitive gamers but judging by the videos, I don't think Microsoft intends it to be. They're countering the Wii's accessability for typical non-gamers. This is a step further. How much more accessable can gaming get than to take the actual controller out of the equation.
Going back to playing shooters, you could still use a contoller of some sort for aiming, but (as someone has already mentioned) imagine stopping and actually ducking behind cover, moving your head in and out of cover to get a view but also being careful not to expose yourself too much. Imagine doing the arm action to throw a grenade around the corner or over cover. You've just ducked down but you reach and throw a grenade. Imagine also melee attacks in shooters, heck even jumping etc.
I personally would love to stand in my living room, with my 360 controller in my hand, surround sound on, using the controller for all the typical shooter controls but then doing all the additional movements above. I imagine it would be quite immersive, especially, like I said, looking round corners!
Microsoft's big point was they were getting rid of peripherals with Project Natal which is why though your idea sounds cool it wouldn't happen unless Microsoft back tracked.
Also once you start using Natal in conjunction with a controller it becomes alot more like the Sony system.
True, but I'm talking about how this would fit in with existing games. We've already seen it work with a racing game that wasn't even developed around this tech. Existing games could be patched to add additional features. Better yet, you could be given the option of controller + natal, just controller or just natal. The general point being, there are tons of options and the ones I mentioned in my previous posts would certainly compliment standard FPS gameplay mechanics, no?
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