How did it flop 'hard'? I know technically it did flop but only just :lol:
DAZZER7's forum posts
I foresee an endless sea of threads, flooded with countless screenshots of each version being scrutinized and argued over forever more. Thus, the dead horse will not just be beaten, but shall be pounded into fine, microscopic dust particles that cause lung cancer upon inhalation. Anyway, I'll be looking forward to it.
Yeah but normally, such comparisons are between 360 and PS3 where there is hardly any difference. PC vs Console versions, there inevitably will be ahuge difference!
Don't have any interest in this.
Crysis is a very good looking game, but not a very good game. There are much better FPS's avalible now for PS3, 360, and for the PC. The only reason Crysis got hyped and is still talked about is because of the graphical fidelity of the game, it gave high end PC gamers something to rave about and claim ownage own.
Fair enough, this game isn't to your taste but to arbitarily call it a "bad game" :lol:
You do realise this game recieved very good reviews right across the boards and it was praised specifically for its gameplay? How many times does this need pointing out before some of you consolites stop with the "Crysis is all graphics".
You watch, yet another consolite will come in this thread, (not read any previous posts lol) and state the same again.
Next up will be that you need a $2000 rig to run Crysis on pc, pc games only last 6 months before you upgrade etc etc gotta love it
The reason the Stalker games got such low scores from their reviews is simply because of some bugs that were in the launch versions of the game. With these mods and the subsequent patches that have been released since, these games no longer have the bugs. Without doubt, the games are worthy of a much higher score.
However, consolites will cling on to the original score GS gave the games, stick their fingers in their ears and repeat the given score. Thats is fine for me however, the stalker games can remain those hidden-gem type games that not everyone knows about lol.
Wow this thread went down hill pretty fast and into one of hermit/ pc hate! Has Crysis being PC exclusive for all this time really built up so much anger and resentment? :lol: Settle down guys.
A few points:
- Crysis is an open game, its outdoor environments are 'open'. If I was to take a pad of paper and draw a crysis level it would fill the page, be big and open to exploration. If I was to draw most console shoorters, it would consist of corridors and rooms even for so called 'outdoor' areas.
- No one has ever claimed Crysis is 'open-ended' lol
- Crysis does have very well rated gameplay. Consolites need to stop saying the game is 'just good graphics'. That's not what the reviews say. If you play Crysis as a run-and-gun-fest then that is what you will get, if you play it as a stealth game then that is what you get. If you want to skulk around wooded areas and abduct korean soldiers predator style, you can or if you want to punch the roof in and massacre everyone inside, you can lol. No matter how you consolites try and try to spin this, the gameplay is VARIED, it is OPEN and recieved HIGH RATINGS.
I have heard a lot about PDZ... this "legendary game" 360 owners always talk about. It is also one of their AAA exclusives which, apparently, totally destroys what the ps3 can offer...
So i thought I'd actually check out this amazing game. Now, I can't comment on gameplay, but when looking at the following pictures, take into account gamespot stated that this game had "Awesome presentation, featuring cutting-edge graphics and sound"... I mean, i know this game was released in late 2005, but... seriously... it looks AWFUL!
Jees truespin, you're trying far too hard to bash, whats upset you mate? ;)
Are fanboys really getting this bad or is he just a fakeboy? I can't tell lol
[QUOTE="MortalDecay"][QUOTE="DonPerian"]Not really...It means Sony sucks at making hardware with devs in mind. A console should be able to handle anything a dev throws at it. A dev shouldn't have to jump threw hoops to get something to work the way they want, when it can on any other platform. This is more of a weakness on the PS3's part, then the dev themself. Yeah, yeah, bring up all of the first party devs all you want, they have virtually unlimited time, and Sony's money to get it right. Most devs don't have that. Not Naughty Dog. They create amazing looking games once a year. Those guys deserve a medal....each year.Isn't that more of an indication that they're not good devs? :?
I agree, not enough credit goes to Guerilla and Naughty dog considering the restrictions they face with the PS3s hardware and what they have achieved. It's a shame because you dont really see developers on the 360 going to the lengths these guys have with the PS3.
[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"]Well its tech with a modified CELL does help run the fastest supercomputer on earth:)Problem number 3, I am not using a Cell. None of us are in our PC's, if the cell is the might god chip then were are the innovatinos leading from it? Were is IBM? If the cell really was more powerful why are we not using it? The fact is that it is not.
That is still meaningless. Put enough Cell processors together and hey presto you have the worlds fastest/ floating point super computer. Put C2Qs or I7s together and you achieve the same result. Put enough P4s together and you could feasibly do the same.
Also bare in mind, the reason the Cell is used is because of its cost effectiveness for achieving high numbers in floating point operations, not because it is some artifact with hidden power!! :lol:
[QUOTE="DAZZER7"][QUOTE="mclovin401"]Guerilla, naughty dog, insomniac....hell, even some ubisoft titles are great looking with awesome framerates. It just goes to show you that some devs aren't as good as others. For the most part its EU/aisian devs>>>American devs.mclovin401
As has already been discussed :roll: they are great developers on the PS3 platform. THQ, Valve, ID etc are not 'bad' developers or any less of a game developer just because they choose not to develop exclusively or put time, resources and considerable human resources behind porting a game to the PS3 platform.
Ok.....I never once used the word "bad". I didn't only name "exclusive devs". I also mentioned ubisoft (montreal to be specific)... I don't expect devs to put effort into learning tech that is hard to develop for. But devs like THQ cant expect great sales on shotty programming.Ok, fair enough you didnt say the word bad but in my honest opinion you pretty much implied it. You also have to remember, Sony are the ones 'sellers' here and the developers are the 'buyers'. It's up to the sellers to sell their products or services to their customers, otherwise customers will move on. THQ obviously feel Sony are not meeting their needs. Doesn't matter if they're 'not using it correctly' or not reading the instructions properly, it's Sony's job to make the whole product as user friendly as possible.
I hope the way I'm describing it, makes sense lol. What I'm trying to say is the onus is on Sony to attract, to hold the hand there of and to assist the developer through the whole process or the developer cqn find an alternative platform.
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