[QUOTE="cloudff7tm"]you have no idea what your typing...lol.The CELL is so epic, no one can use it correctly.
lol I don't think you do mate...its called sarcasm
[QUOTE="cloudff7tm"]you have no idea what your typing...lol.The CELL is so epic, no one can use it correctly.
lol I don't think you do mate...its called sarcasm
Not really...It means Sony sucks at making hardware with devs in mind. A console should be able to handle anything a dev throws at it. A dev shouldn't have to jump threw hoops to get something to work the way they want, when it can on any other platform. This is more of a weakness on the PS3's part, then the dev themself. Yeah, yeah, bring up all of the first party devs all you want, they have virtually unlimited time, and Sony's money to get it right. Most devs don't have that.[QUOTE="MortalDecay"][QUOTE="DonPerian"]
Isn't that more of an indication that they're not good devs? :?
Wow, what a reply :lol:
The topic being discussed is nothing to do with hardware reliability, right? You also realise that mortal was simply trying to explain why he believes developers like THQ dislike the PS3s hardware and he managed it without childish remarks lol, right?
No, that's not what you originally said: "If I wanted to say something awful I could say that the PS3 is a good way to judge the quality of the devs themselves".[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="JLF1"]What I'm saying is not all devs have a problem with the PS3's hardware and manage to deliver very high quality games with no frame-rate problems.JLF1
And by that I meant that the PS3 is indeed a bigger challenge than the PS3, PC or Wii. It takes skill to do a quality game on it.
Some devs manage very well and other don't. This also says something about the devs themselves and not only Sony's bad decision when it comes to hardware.
What did you think I meant?
No it says more about the developers' priorities!
This is not whether they are a good dev or not. A developers ability to create a great game is not indicative of how well they understand PS3 architecture. Take Valve, they are some of the best developers of all time and yet they pretty much hate the PS3s hardware. It doesnt mean they're crap 'game developers' but that they have made a decision to focus on other platforms as they feel they will be unable to get the most out of that particular type of hardware. The most you could say is that they are ignorant perhaps for ignoring the platform but not bad game developers, right?
I played about 2/3 of the way through it on 360 and it was absolutely amazing, if you ignore the fact that it's a dual-analog shooter.
I would give anything to be able to play that game with a mouse.
I think you need to re-prioritise your life mate lol :P
..its not THAT good! I loved gears 2 but there are many great shooters already on PC that keep me from wanting this game.
[QUOTE="psychobrew"][QUOTE="killab2oo5"]You forgot an OS,PSU, and KB+M.AkradaxPSU comes with the case, OS and KB+M comes from your old PC. low quality PSUs come with cases, brand and quality PSUs are most often sold separately
For this particular build and gpu, the psu will be fine, thats the point.
Wow how much would those cost lol. Anyway why does everyone think they are gonna add another 360 and make it 720.aznstyle11lol no one actually believes thats what the next Xbox will be called, it just an easy name to call the 'next Xbox console'.
[QUOTE="navyguy21"]I think MS will go the PC route next gen. What i mean is, having say 250GB(will be cheap) hard drive, and installing the games that uncompress with installation. That way, you kill 2 birds with one stone. you would still need the disc to eliminate piracy (game cant run without the disc) and eliminate the possiblity of overheating (RROD) Then, you could update the firmware every year or so by Xbox LIVE, and putting it on the discs of major games, and would update the system. This way, you could change the key that games need to run often to further cut back on piracy.imprezawrx500or ms could work with the devs and kill the money sucking second market that losses them more money than piracy by having no need to put the disk in but tying every game to your xbl account. activated to your account is much better, no need for some stupid disk check, so what if you can't sell it eg games hardly gives you anything anyway. They better put in a hdd that is at least 500gb though anything smaller next gen is another big joke. 20gb in 2005 when the standard size was 200-250gbwas enough of a joke don't need a second big milking joke.
I stopped trading in games a long time ago, you get next to nothing back. I dislike optical storage mediums anyway, they break too easy, its one of the most fragile components/ mechanisms in all hardware and has a history of breaking right from the PS1 days right up to the 360 and the biggest hate I have is actually getting off my backside to go change the disk!! :P
Seriously though, internet speeds are really starting to come down in price as larger speeds are achieved and I'm pretty sure that is true for most of the orld (I live in the UK and we're one of the slowest). Give it another 2 - 3 years and downloading HD movies, games, heck even TV programmes will be no problem. Just think how something like you-tube was impossible years ago but look how quickly it has become widespread and how many other broadcasters like sky, BBC etc now offer their programmes over the net. Most content is SD but much is offered at HD. We're still transitioning from SD to HD!
This is the way trends are going, internet speeds are improving, there is only one way this is all going imho!
[QUOTE="RandolphScott"]I had a bunch of games for PC a few years ago, including the apparently now rare and somewhat expensive FF8 PC version. I got a new laptop to replace my PC when it died on me. None of them run very well, some of them not at all. Yeah that is SO AWESOME. I just can't be bothered with it, I'm too easily frustrated.blackaceI still have old Win 95s games that I can't seem to run on my Win XP or Vista. What's up with that? lmao!! I can run most of my XBox games on my XBox 360, and I can run almost all of my PS1 and PS2 games on my PS3. I'll just stick with the game consoles. PC gaming is too much of a hassle and it's never 100% B/C. There are only 2-3 games exclusively on PC that I want to play. Meantime there are literally 100's of games on the Wii, PS3 and XBox 360 I want to play. Main reason why I don't play PC games much. :lol: and let me ask, as we're comparin g systems...
...if you asking the pc to play games from as far back as 95, what games from back then is the 360 going to run??
The only way this could be interesting to me is if they use this motion sensing to do some kind of head-tracking like in the video on you-tube. That could be interesting for a sense of perspective on fps' !!
Psychobrew, I hope you don't mind me expanding on some of the already good counter points you have made :D
um ,, in the long run youll have to upgrade well in the not so long run that is,
Ridiculous. How many times have we to go through this? You do NOT need to upgrade like you consolites say. My pc is over 2 years old and it still maxes every game out at 720p. It will still be playing all games being released for the next 3 and considering the slower rate at which game requirements are increasing, probably 4. That is easily as long as a console life-cycle and during that period, it will continue playing games at much better settings than your consoles lol.
you do not have a bluray player ,,
I have no need for a Blue Ray player. How is that a negative? Infact, you can easily include a blu-ray player in your build. Anything the ps3 can do, the pc can do aswell.
dont have a cell processesor,
Ohhhh, teh power of teh Cell!! Give me a break. There is a reason the cell processor is not in PCs lol. The Cell in your PS3 is also a stripped down version. It's no powerhouse. You're yet another cow taken in by overhype. The Cell is ok for console gaming but would struggle with the variety of demands placed upon it by a PC.
no 4 players can play on it,
Casual feature. Not needed. You can have 4 player lol. You can get 4 360 controllers with dongles and have them work with all games for windows games. Not to mention, this is PC gaming we're talking about, I'm sure there are mods out there for many games to have split screen. Thats the beauty of PC gaming, any feature of a console game can be copied by some modder somewhere.
price of a gaming pc is 1000 plus dollars .
You can get one for much cheaper. In fact, that's what this thread is about. There have been countless threads, I repeat countless threads breaking down each component's price. Heck there is even the Crysis pc at $700! Either you know this already and are flame baiting or you are not very good at researching before you post and only serve to make console fanboys look bad :lol:
this does not include, you having to assemble it , , the frustration
It's a hobby. It's passion. It's nothing near frustration. My brother explained to me how to do it while we were getting ready for football. Trust me, its easy. It does not take weeks of research. It's not that much different to putting all the right cable together to set up your 360 or ps3 to a surround sound system and good tv and making sure the settings on your dashboard are right. Installing windows is easy too, you just follow the on screen instructions. Putting ram in is simple, you put it in the ram shaped slot, it only goes in one way, you may want to watch a video before putting in your cpu but...thats not hard. The point is, sure its a little more fuss that having a ready packaged console but its still a very user friendly process and for good reason! Why are us PC gamers always going on and on about how easy it is??
the time and effort what if you break somthing , ,
What if? Good time to upgrade, but most people don't break their hardware. What happens if you break your PS360? Take it back...what a silly excuse :lol:
and the os 99 dollars for the cheapest 299 or more for the best most recent one vista
As already explained over and over again in this thread, a legal copy of Vista 64 can be had for less than $100. What would make you think you need a $200 (why inflate the price?) copy of business edition? There is also windows 7, its 64 bit and supports almost as much as vista does. When you purchase a new hard disk you can get an oem version which is a fraction of the cost and there are more discounts to be had if you're a student :D
and when you go into walmart theres not many games so calling a pc a gaming machine without widely available games ,,
LOL. Walmart. Wow. Yep, there is no doubt that pc gaming is moving more towards digital distribution which further serves to argue against the need for a blu-ray drive.
have fun wasting your gas to drive all over just to find any great games not found on console,
There's something called a telephone you can use, and there's also online ordering where you don't even need to leave your house. You have to travel less as a pc gamer...get this, I can purchase games and download them online as many times as I like.
believe me i tried finding the greats such as duke nukem ,, ,i still cant find one , ,
How long ago was this?? Only on PC can you get many many many great ****cs for free. gametap has just announced you can download for free, Stalker SoC! There are tons of free games completely legit on pc. There is no such service on consoles and better yet, there is tons and tons of content in the form of downloadable content, modes, total conversions all for free!!
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