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NOT when you have to UPGRADE when a new game comes out. 8)


Way to exaggerate. I have a 8800gt for 16months and i can run every game at max settings at 1680x1050 ( except crysis where i compromise at high instead very high)

Really? EVERY game at max settings?, I love the PC but that is an exaggeration somewhat. GRID, CoH; OF, STALKER; Clear Sky, World in Conflict and Empire total war will not run at an acceptable framerate on an 8800GT, that's why I am replacing mine.

No but at 720p it will mate and very easily.

The general point of this is to show how such a pc compares to a ps3. You dont need to max a game to enjoy them. Console gamers dont complain when they're consoles are running such games at low or medium settings.

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[QUOTE="psychobrew"] It's still a more capable than what's in the PS3 and 360.LordQuorthon

That's irrelevant. A console will play absolutely every single game that will be released during its lifespan, and the only "system requirement" is that the game has the console's logo in the box. Regardless of which parts you use, there is no way that you can be certain of how long your PC will be able play future games that will be released for it. Your current l33t über PC may play games that will be released during the next two or three years, but it may also require to be updated within one year in order to play a specific game. In the end, the longevity of your PC depends entirely on how fast nVidia and ATi release new GPUs, and how developers choose to work with what seems to be an extremely aggressive and constant flood of new hardware, courtesy of the already mentioned nVidia and ATi.

..and at the moment that progression of hardware is quite slow compared to how it has moved in the past. My last pc, a P4 3.0 GHz, 9800 Pro ran games for 5 nearly 6 years lol easily the requirement of a console.

Better yet, my current pc a Q6600, 2gb pc-6400 and 8800GTS maxes nearly every game out, runs games at much higher setting than consoles do and will do for the remainder of this generation and it will still be (if current trends are anything to go on) running games in another 3 years atleast!

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Add $100 for an OS and you're up to the full price of a PS3. At this point, you have to ask yourself whether you'd rather spend your money on a PC that can't even play today's games at the settings they're meant to be, and certainly won't be able to in the future, or would you rather buy a console that should remain relevant for the next 3-4 years at least, and won't require any additional hardware costs for this duration. Given this choice, I'd take the PS3. The better option might be to spend a couple hundred more on parts, and build a pc that isn't already completely obsolete.Mark36111

It will meet all the recommended requirements of todays pc games

It will play games at settings much higher than what the ps3 can

It will continue to play new pc games for the next 4 perhaps even 5 years without upgrading

As time goes by ps3 will struggle more and more with pc multiplat games

...please define how this pc is nearly obsolete? Do you know anything about pc gaming. Something is only obsolete when it can no longer be used or is no longer supported NOT when a newer version simply comes out.

Why do many of you consolites act as if you can only game on a pc if you're hitting max settings and as soon as you don't you have to upgrade? There is a difference to being a pc gamer and being an enthusiast!

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Except the PS3 is more futureproof than this PC.

And you forgot the disc drive and cooling, in addition to what other users are saying.


please define future-proof as I hope you're not gonna start with the usual, "you're gonna need to upgrade in 6 months"

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Is it me or is gamespot going out of its way to ignore and where possible give low scores to PC games?

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[QUOTE="bingbaocao"][QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"] Sure... You just keep telling yourself that, and maybe one day it might become true.jshaas
what makes you think it will last long if doesn't turn a proffit?

First of all, Sony started breaking even on the PS3 a few months ago. They expect to start seeing some profits sometime this year. ON TOPIC... you do realize that for the next Xbox to compete with the PS3 MS would have to pay Sony to use the Blu-Ray technology. This will not happen. Why would anyone pay the competition for their tech?? Since they won't, MS will have to use DVD again... well that format has reached it's potential, and nobody wants to switch discs with every game. This is why I think the next consoles we see will run mostly on ditigal copy... even now you can get any song or any movie ditigally... it's only a matter of time until games are the same (some are already... SOCOM, Warhawk, Burnout, etc.). On Demand will also be a big part of the next gen.

lol you do realise that outside of the console war (and system wars) that Sony and Microsoft are not partiularly big competitiors. Many of the media codecs, even one used in Blu-ray are licenced by Microsoft and by your logic, I'm sure windows wouldn't be allowed on Sony Vaio laptops?

Also, to the few people saying that its too early to release a new console yet. You're correct but the TC isn't talking about Microsoft 'releasing' a new console at E3, the question is whether they announce something at E3. If they release some information, they may not actually release the console for another 2 years :lol:

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Wow. This is a close one.

I love Call of Duty because of it's fluent and intense gameplay.

I love battlefield because of its open and tactics-oriented gameplay

....i like open and free more than closed and intense.Battlefield gets my vote.


so which one is better?

(for anyone from the UK)...there is only one way to find out....


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I still hold Socom 1 and 2 as the best console online multiplayer games ever...So it would not be hard for me to believe that Zipper can do it again. From the latest vids I've seen with gameplay footage in limited spurts, the game looks to be coming along very nicely.

And damn, 256 players.....How awesome does that sound.....And as awesome as it sounds, I believe the sound of it won't be a patch on actually booting it up and playing it.

Imagine seing teams of 50-60 or even 100 people storming you at a capture point or something similar. If done right, this game could give you that sh1t yourself feeling, and lets get it on Rambo feeling all at the same time.

This game is looking the goods, killer app, and a game that people will buy PS3's for.


What really intrigues me is the persistent nature of the faction wars. I've not really seen anything like that outside of an mmorpg. The fact that winning certain points or parts of the map will earn your faction benefits sounds really interesting and gives players at least a limited sense of working towards something. I can see this game having a lot of fans.

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TC, if what you say is true and only console developers really get to grips with maximising games to run on low end hardware efficiently then how do you explain the Source engine or even Crysis.

When the Source engine came out, it ran on surprisingly low hardware yet looked stuning. Even now, it is hugely optimised to run on low end hardware and compares to anything being released now days.

Also look at Crysis. Crysis does demand a lot, sure but considering the sheer amount of high dynamic ranged lighting, shadows and high res textures the game is rendering across a huge map, its quite surprising how little the hardware requirements are to run this game on high! Not many peopel realise just how much Crysis is rendering in a given screen and how low the hardware is running it.

Also many developers work enoughmously hard on trying to get their game to run and look beautiful on very very low hardware specs. They do this because it significantly widens the market their product will appeal to. Having said all that, yes I'm sure certain optimisation tricks will have been learned over the years by developers through trying to make a given game run on a console's hardware :)

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My grandad god bless him who was a real tech head just passed away a few weeks ago. He left me his blu-ray player and a collection of 11 blu-ray movies. I can see the difference but...

..its not a huge difference over 576p DVDs upscaled on my 720p TV. At their current price point I'll still but DVDs and settle with 5.1 surround etc. Unless Blu-ray comes right down in price, its never going to become mainstream.