Yes, I would say the next gen 1080P should be a minimum, it is cheap enough to do now there is no excuse for Wii to not have HD capabilitiesPOJO_MOFOTrouble is, the next gen consoles' hardware will be being developed and finalised about now, if not done already. I just dont know if they will invest in higher end GPUs this gen.
DAZZER7's forum posts
i think it's stupid that devs can't make all games for ps3 1080p
This very much depends on the GPU and video memory including the mem bandwidth. The RSX in the PS3 is just not built to render at 1080p and neither is the Xenos in the 360.
I don't want PC as a video game platform to die, I want nVidia and Ati to die. PC games peaked almost a decade ago, when hardware was A TOOL, not a goal in itself.
At this point, Blizzard is the only company that understands what made PC games so special back in the day, and it sure as hell wasn't the absurd polygon count war that's going on right now between nVidia and Ati. Everyone else is too busy waiting for those two companies to release the next video card, so they can do an incredibly poor job at optimizing a PC port of some 360 game. Really, it's ridiculous: the 360's hardware remains the same and, yet, PC ports keep asking for MOAR HARDWUR!!!111.
lol no they dont. The console ports are not asking for much larger min requirements unless they are hugely upgraded from what you see on consoles.
Good lord the game came out in 2007. Enough already.
Crytek has quit being a leading pc dev and has gone multiplat.
iD's CEO made it clear that they are sticking with multiplats even though their roots are on pc.
Unreal has ditched pc gaming. Gears of War 2 will not becoming to the pc.
Stardock who downplayed pc piracy had their demigod servers overloaded by pirates.
If you can't see that pc gaming is in a sad state then you are deluded. Disconnect your ego from your tower and face reality. PC gaming peaked in 1998-2000 and has gone downhill since. It isn't the end of the world but it is a bleak situation compared to what it once was.
Outside warcraft/sims/popcap stuff pc gaming has become a niche market. Consoles have taken over. Stop living in the past and move on.dc337
OK, I have read through the whole thread so far and to summarise your main points...
You say PC gaming is dying and when people give you examples such as revenue from Steam, digital distribution, WoW, games that target the casual market etc, you respond with...
....its doesnt count cus its an mmorpg doesnt count cus its an attempt to reach the casual market
You say PC is losing exclusives and when people liek Skrat give you examples of how developers like Crytek, ID, Epic have for many years developed on consoles AND PC, you respond with... they used to exclusively develop for PC (which we've established they didn't lol)
You say you're not a fanboy because you have some quake avatar pic...
...yet you're ranting on and on how PC gaming, while not dead is on its last legs despite WoW, Steam games, flash games, indy games, intel developing new very high end GPUs, billions in revenue, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Stalker games, Battlefield Heroes, superior multiplats, nVidia investing yet more into hardware development, ATI doing the same, console exclusives games also coming to the PC
If anything the PC is actually becoming more casual and less hardcore oh and last time I checked (and I'm sure the majority will back me up on this), its console gamers who are constantly comparing each new exclusive to Crysis...I'll give you 1 example, Killzone 2, its rediculous the amount of threads created comparing that game to Crysis :lol:
But no doubt you'll keep posting. I noticed that when ever anyone makes a good point, you side step it or dismiss it and continue posting. We all know what you're about and I'm glad members like you post, system wars wouldn't be the same without you ;)
but then your game would look red and blue :( anyways im going to watch startrek enterprise at 4pm, they don't have a holodeck but there's something about those klingon'smachiavell8x8Surprisingly, the red/blue anaglyph glasses still allow colour through. Its not perfect but you still get sense of yellow, blue, red, green etc. The blue lens still allows other colours through but gives a blue tint, red lens allows cllours through but with a red tint. When your eyes merge the images, you can still see the colours but everything is dimmed.
However its not for everyone as some people cannot stand the colours being slightly skewed. It simply offers an alternative to everyone not willing to upgrade their monitor and buy shutter or polarised glasses.
First up are the Nvidia drivers. These are vista only! You will need to update your current drivers to the latest stereo compatible drivers. Don't worry though as you do not have to have stereo (3D effect) enabled. If you have a pair of red/blue glasses laying around then try it out!
Next up are alternative to the Nvidia ones. These are XP compatible and also a little more versatile. iz3d specialise in doing polarised monitors where you buy the much cheaper polarized glasses (NVidia's are shutter glasses). However, like the Nvidia drivers, these enable an anaglyph mode.
[QUOTE="Arnalion"]What killed Stalker for me was the respawning mobs. -_-II_Seraphim_IIWhat killed it for me was the myriad of glitches. Stalker was a glitch that happened to have some gameplay :?
..and yet it has maintained quite a large community and fanbase despite no support after the game's release from the developerand its initial bugs. Not bad really ;)
Man they lack polish, but they're the most well supported (by modders)and played unpolished games! I'm sure this will have its problems on release but who cares, I love the Stalker games.
I quite like the new behaviour of the Stalkers aswell :)
22 seconds=framerate drop memory leak 1:07=memory leak framerate drop lol, looks like cryteks mappers need to be fired cant even make a map without giant holes in it. not to mention the level is just too flat not vertical enough just boring.cghde
Its just a preview, you're not really trying to say Crytek are 'not very good developers' are you?
Also, could help but notice, this is your first post....umm welcome to system wars :roll:
Call me unimpressed. Sorry but I don't see a new graphics king. I quite like the colourful artistic feel to those images but I can't see any particular effect or hugely detailed model, massive environment etc that would warrant the title graphics king. You cows need to slow down a little and stop claiming each new PS3 title to be GK!
[QUOTE="markop2003"][QUOTE="-GeordiLaForge-"]You heard wrong. It's completely 3D, like IMAX....-GeordiLaForge-Well i read a review and they said nothing jumps out o0f the screen really they just raise up sightly like they're seperate screens over laid eachotherNah, it's just like IMAX. You get a different image going to each eye, each from the correct angle to make the image truly 3D. Maybe the reviewer had bad eyes? Who knows... I know that it works though..
Why not try it with some anaglyph glasses first to see if you like it. The same drivers you download from nvidia for the shutter glasses work with the red blue anaglyph glasses you can get for next to nothing.
I often game using just these. How well the 3d effect works depends on the game. COD4 is awesome. How much it pops out of the screen depends on the seperation of the 2 images being displayed but also on the convergence. Convergence is where both eyes point slightly inwards to focus on something close up. The higher you set the seperation the more you will have to set the convergence to a higher setting or it will be like looking at a 3d model set very close up and in order to look at anything that is relatively close you have to almost make yourself go cross eyed.
...the point is that 3D does work and when done right it can be very impressive. However, you must bare in mind:
- your video card needs to render ideally to 120 frames per second (for your set up at least anaglyph produces frames simultaneously but its still rendering 2 images)
- you will have to tweak the setting quite a lot for each game to avoid going cross eyed or getting headaches
- many games dont work that great with stereo enabled, it makes some unstable and others just refuse to work in 3D
- nVidias drivers are vista only just so you know
It is still very impressive, especially when you put your hand up and it looks like you can reach into your monitor or actually grab the characters lol. I've never seen a setup with a huge projector, it could be awesome. I agree that this is an area that is beginning to see improvement and I'm glad to hear more people are interested. Just stay clear of the eDimensional shutter glasses...aweful :lol:
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