...and the supercomputer mentality of the PS3 persists. There are a few of you hardcore cows that cannot seem to wake up to the fact that the PS3s hardware is weak. There is no single graphical technique in Killzone 2 that cannot be done on the 360. Ask anyone who knows anything about GPUs. Dont get started on the cell, its no substitute for a proper dedicated graphics card. The only thing that would struggle on the 360 would be to incorperate lossless audio because of the disk format :lol:
DAZZER7's forum posts
No country owes respect to the US. Learn that.[QUOTE="ForsakenWicked"][QUOTE="Sonic_on_crack"] Sorry but its True and quite frankly the only country in Europe I like is the U.K. The rest dont respect America despite getting their asses saved by usSonic_on_crack
Really because I have a list as follows -U.K -France -Iltaly -Poland -The Czech -Iran -Germany
Sorry, but what does the UK 'owe' the USA respect for?? Did you not read my post or even pay attention in history?
Before the USA entered the war we had won the Battle of Britain, started actually strategic bombing mainland Germany and defeated Rommel in North Africa. Now tell me where the USA saved the UK?
You really need to learn 1 thing before you go on. The USA was one of many many countries that made up the allied forces in Western Europe. Collectively we defeated the third Reich. The British Commonwealth countries particularly contributed a lot. These were people who were obliged to come and fight for the crown. There were many from the Indian subcontinent, Nepal, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and even some African colonial nations, not to mention many French who were evacuated at the evacuation of Dunkirk.
Why is it so hard to grasp that this was a join effort by many countries that could not have been done without the USA but then again, the USA could not have done it without many other countries and for that, you in turn should be equally grateful.
[QUOTE="Trinners"][QUOTE="dukebd699"] Not anything recently but I do recall a couple World Wars especially one that would've made the entire European continent run by 1 country had the US not stepped in. Oh, and there was also that Marshall plan as well as many other things. Last 20 years though, pretty much nothing.Sonic_on_crack
fail. Russia won the war for the allies in europe, all US did was liberate france which there were barely any german troops defending in the first place they were all trying to stop russia on the eastern front.
We completely and single handedly destroyed Japan , who again would've helped Germany take over all of EuropeAgain not single-handedly. What about Australia, New Zealand and Britain. We had a lot of 'interests' in the pacific that we fought and pretty much lost to Japan.
Seriously what is with all the American hate in this thread. We're the greatest nation on Earth. Its like hating Micheal Jordan or Hank AuronSonic_on_crack
Its not 'American hate' :lol: its just that some of you, view any statement that isn't pro USA as anti-USA. You see, while I have many American friends and generally like the people and culture, I dont actually view the USA as the 'greatest nation on Earth', its doesnt mean I'm a hater ;)
What kind of argument is that? :|[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="TheNewspaper"]
And USA is bigger and more powerful than entire Europe. They can bomb the entire Europe and leave all dead, so shut up people and respect USA.
A lot of European people insult the most powerful, biggest state, USA, despite the fact that their asses were saved in the 2 World Wars and that USA can drop 10,000 A-bombs all over Europe and teriminate all of us. I think more people should respect USA. Its the world greatest state with the world's greatest oppurtinities. And with the World's greatest presidents ever, Lincoln and Bush. Bush did a lot to his country, an old man that tried to hunt terrorism, such an adorable guy. Just respect USA.
Don't you mean fear? Why would you respect a country for its arms arsenal?
to the guy how hates me: I was out of line with my statement. i was annoyed at the guy i quoted.
we didn't step in earlier because we wanted germany and russia fighting (thats what they tell us in our biased history classes), i wish we had entered earlier before it got so big.
we were looking for a reason to enter. it would have been unpopular to enter before pearl harbor. we still should have. if you want to get technical, we entered the war because we didn't want a nazi contolled europe. call it selfish buts that the way nations act.
it take us stepping in to keep europe from being completely devastated.
No thats not entirely true and I'll say it again. In Europe at least, Germany had conquered as much territory as they could and were actually being driven back. Britain had defeated Germany in North Africa paving the way for the invasion of Italy and Russia had driven Germany out of Stalingrad and were now on the offensive. Collectively, the British CommonWealth countries and Russia were driving the Third Reich back.
Someone commented about USA contributing financially. This is true. However, 2 things to consider. Very little 'aid' was coming through. Britain was dependant on trading with the United States. We also came out of the Second World War with our highest ever national debt. Its not like we didnt pay you guys back after lol.
Also, the Russians defeated the Germans in Stalingrad with hand-to-hand fighting. The room by room, street by street battles were fought by soldiers who often didnt even have anything on their feet. Many soldiers didnt even have a rifle. The Russians also went on to manufacture their own T34 tanks and did recieve P-39 (around 5000) aircraft. The main battles for the soviets however, were won by hand to hand street battles in the cities and then later the largest ever tank battles.
Just gently shut your mouth. We all accept it - it was the USA that made so that the entire Europe today isn't ruled by Germany.
Gently shut my mouth? :lol: I'm just discussing the topic bud, sorry if that strikes a nerve with you.
The USA contributed a lot, it wasn't entirely down to them, remember it was a 'world war'. I would recommend you read up on your 20th century history some more ;)
Like I said once already...I didn't find his comment offensive. I just said I see why someone would take offense to it. I would've said the same thing if this was about any other country/continent.[QUOTE="DAZZER7"]
Wait wait wait, so its not permitted for any other country to say woohoo FTW!
is that right? because thats what it looks like you have a problem with mate.
I myself have never seen anyone saying X Country ftw or ftl on here.
There should be no issue at all with it. Especially given the context of referring to video games :lol:[QUOTE="TheNewspaper"]
Good old American education system. :lol: I'd love to sit in on a history lesson over there sometime. :lol: It's so one sided and biased it's laughable. The word brainwashed does come to mind.
I'll let you in on some history, it's fairy accurate but i admit it's been awhile; After world war 1 Germany had restrictions put in place on it's military, navy and air force. These restrictions where to be enforced by America and Britain the two leading powers at the time. America and England did nothing when germany broke those restrictions and built up a military force. America and England did nothing when Germany invaded Austria.
Germany pushed into Poland and England among other allied countries declared war on them, once again America chose to do nothing ignored it's duty, ignored it's allies, ignored a small threat that soon grew into a force that killed millions of people.The French chose to stand up and fight before you did and i know how much you guys like to mock them but at least they did something.
"saved" us? You stepped in because you got yourselves attacked, amusingly you got out right demolished by a giant fleet of aircraft that you didn't see coming. :lol:
Because you didn't step in before and partly because England acted to late millions upon millions of people died. Save them did you?
I love it when these continent topics get so patroitic. :D
I am from Europe, but if it weren't for the USA, Germany would have controlled the entire world now. We should face the fact that we were saved, dude.
to the guy how hates me: I was out of line with my statement. i was annoyed at the guy i quoted.
we didn't step in earlier because we wanted germany and russia fighting (thats what they tell us in our biased history classes), i wish we had entered earlier before it got so big.
we were looking for a reason to enter. it would have been unpopular to enter before pearl harbor. we still should have. if you want to get technical, we entered the war because we didn't want a nazi contolled europe. call it selfish buts that the way nations act.
it take us stepping in to keep europe from being completely devastated.
No thats not entirely true and I'll say it again. In Europe at least, Germany had conquered as much territory as they could and were actually being driven back. Britain had defeated Germany in North Africa paving the way for the invasion of Italy and Russia had driven Germany out of Stalingrad and were now on the offensive. Collectively, the British CommonWealth countries and Russia were driving the Third Reich back.
Someone commented about USA contributing financially. This is true. However, 2 things to consider. Very little 'aid' was coming through. Britain was dependant on trading with the United States. We also came out of the Second World War with our highest ever national debt. Its not like we didnt pay you guys back after lol.
Also, the Russians defeated the Germans in Stalingrad with hand-to-hand fighting. The room by room, street by street battles were fought by soldiers who often didnt even have anything on their feet. Many soldiers didnt even have a rifle. The Russians also went on to manufacture their own T34 tanks and did recieve P-39 (around 5000) aircraft. The main battles for the soviets however, were won by hand to hand street battles in the cities and then later the largest ever tank battles.
Man, I really hate thatsome ofyou americans think that! Well before the USA entered the second world war, us brits (along with other common wealth countries) had held off a Nazi invasion by constantly putting planes up in the air for which was known as the 'Battle of Britain'. This forced the Hitler to change tactics with the luftwaffe and stop bombing our airfields and instead bomb our cities. This gave us precious time to rebuild the RAF and take the fight to the germans. We even started strategic bombing of mainland germany before the USA entered the war.
Add to that,Montgomery had successfully defeated Rommel for control of North Africa. You guys merely helped end the war much quicker! I mean, the D-Day landings was a joint effort by many countries. Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Britian and I'm sure there are many more to add to that list, but you never see them mentioned inSaving Private Ryan.
Oh and lets not forget, after driving the germans back out from Starlingrad and after almost single handedly crippling the wermacht in the battle of Kursk (the biggest single battle in recorded history),most of the continent would be speaking Russian. It was the Russians that really made the biggest difference. The amount of men and resources that the third reich lost fighting in the east far outweighed what they lost to the west.
If we 'owe' anything, it is to the generation of americans that actually fought in the second world war. Just like you owe our veterans and their generation gratitude.I'm sorry, but we owe your generation squat!
Not ALL us Americans. ;)
And it's nice to see someone in this thread that actually knows their history.
Yeah sorry mate, that came across quite ignorant in itself. Fixed ;)
[QUOTE="killab2oo5"]It was started by the TC saying "EU ftw!", and I see how he can come off as arrogant by saying that.killab2oo5
How? How was it arrogant? They said it in regard to the EU apparently doing well in the games market.
How on Earth does that justify bringing up the American stereotype of "oh yeah, well we saved you butt in WW2" in response? Why was it arrogant to not give credit to the USA for WW2 when talking about the 'EU doing well in gaming'?
What is the possible reasoning behind this?
I didn't think it was arrogant, I said I see why someone would take offense to it. To some people it may look like he was saying "Haha, EU is better than US/NA" after reading the topic title then saying "EU ftw!" on the end.And the WW2 thing was brought up because some guy asked "What has US done for Europe? Ever?".
Please go back and re-read. Also, your calling these people stereotypes and look at yourself. Seems to me like your the stereotypical US hater. :? Just stop.
Wait wait wait, so its not permitted for any other country to say woohoo FTW!
is that right? because thats what it looks like you have a problem with mate.
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