What has the United States done for Europe? Ever?[QUOTE="AlexSays"][QUOTE="Antikyth3ra"]Everything the US has done for Europe and when the EU Market surpasses them in Market then you say poop on you US!Hihatrider87
how bout saved your asses in WWII?
Man, I really hate that some of you americans think that! Well before the USA entered the second world war, us brits (along with other common wealth countries) had held off a Nazi invasion by constantly putting planes up in the air for which was known as the 'Battle of Britain'. This forced the Hitler to change tactics with the luftwaffe and stop bombing our airfields and instead bomb our cities. This gave us precious time to rebuild the RAF and take the fight to the germans. We even started strategic bombing of mainland germany before the USA entered the war.
Add to that,Montgomery had successfully defeated Rommel for control of North Africa. You guys merely helped end the war much quicker! I mean, the D-Day landings was a joint effort by many countries. Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Britian and I'm sure there are many more to add to that list, but you never see them mentioned inSaving Private Ryan.
Oh and lets not forget, after driving the germans back out from Starlingrad and after almost single handedly crippling the wermacht in the battle of Kursk (the biggest single battle in recorded history),most of the continent would be speaking Russian. It was the Russians that really made the biggest difference. The amount of men and resources that the third reich lost fighting in the east far outweighed what they lost to the west.
If we 'owe' anything, it is to the generation of americans that actually fought in the second world war. Just like you owe our veterans and their generation gratitude.I'm sorry, but we owe your generation squat!
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